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Friday, June 05, 2015

Success! North Carolina Governor Vetoes Ag-Gag Bill

Shady “ag-gag” laws are gaining popularity in a handful of states, but activists like you have shown they’re willing to fight back. Most recently, when North Carolina legislators approved an ag-gag bill in their state, the Care2 community quickly sprung into action. Over 60,000 Care2 readers signed a petition asking to put a stop to the bill, and their pleas were answered on Friday when the governor exercised his power of veto.

The bill’s nonsensical extremism makes this fantastic news. If signed into law, HB 405 would have forbid workers from filming or collecting data that exposes wrongdoing in an effort to expose their employers. It would also further criminalize people who sought employment at a place specifically to oppose its illegal business practices. Offenders would face major fines and companies would be permitted to sue these whistleblowing employees for being “disloyal.”

“I believe [the legislation] does not adequately protect or give clear guidance to honest employees who uncover criminal activity,” said Governor Pat McCrory after vetoing the bill. “I am concerned that subjecting these employees to potential civil penalties will create an environment that discourages them from reporting illegal activities.”


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