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Friday, June 19, 2015

Shona Banda’s Attorney Plans to Fight Cannabis’ Classification As Schedule 1 Narcotic

As cannabis oil activist and Crohn's disease patient Shona Banda, who lost custody of her son and is facing over 30 years in prison after her son spoke out about her cannabis oil treatment during a school anti-drug presentation, surrendered herself to authorities, her attorney Sarah Swain said at a press conference that she intends to challenge cannabis' classification as a hardcore Schedule 1 narcotic with no medical use as a part of her defense of Banda and that she will take her case to the Supreme Court if necessary.

Since March of 2014, Truth in Media has covered the work of cannabis oil activist and Crohn’s disease sufferer Shona Banda, who has successfully used cannabis oil to manage her disease and developed her own inexpensive method to extract it. However, Banda’s story took a dramatic turn recently when her home was raided by police and her son was seized by the Kansas Department for Children and Families after he spoke out about his mother’s cannabis oil treatment during an anti-drug presentation at school. Truth in Media’s exclusive interview with Banda about the State of Kansas’ seizure of her son went viral and attracted worldwide mainstream media attention from outlets like The Washington Post and ABC’s The View.

Last week, Finney County Attorney Susan Richmeier announced that Shona Banda would be facing five criminal counts related to the cannabis oil and paraphernalia items that were found in her home during the aforementioned April raid by Garden City police. Truth in Media spoke exclusively with Banda last week about those charges, three of which are felonies.



  1. Keeping marijuana as a Schedule I drug (no medical use) is now truly absurd, given the wide range of accepted medical uses of it and its derivatives. Even the feds recognize its medical applications.
    It would appear that its Schedule I status still exists not because of the People's desires, but as a money maker for law enforcement.
    Of course it's kind of embarrassing that the U.S. more or less forced other countries to follow its anti-marijuana lead by holding foreign aid hostage for 50 years.

  2. Truth in Media: Feds Say Cannabis Is Not Medicine While Holding The Patent on Cannabis as Medicine


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