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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sheriff Lewis On Sean Hannity Last Night

Speaking to Sean Hannity last night, Wicomico County Sheriff Mike Lewis offered his no-nonsense take on how to be a law-abiding citizen.
Posted by Fox News on Wednesday, June 10, 2015


  1. Sheriff Lewis says OBEY. Was he on the set? I bet he had to sit on an encyclopedia to be at eye level with Hannity.

  2. AMEN! There would be no trouble if people would obey the police officer when they say stop, just stop. This is simply common sense. Thank you for the work you do everyday to keep us safe.

    1. Not while obama is telling his peeps not to obey.

  3. When an officer shouts to a crowd to "get away! Get away!, Come here!, come here!, which one is the "lawful" order, Mike.
    Yes, I'm referring to SPD Aito (SP?), but with your backup on the way and your jail, please answer the question.

  4. Even when you obey the law the pigs can and will stop you eventually! He's an arrogant liquidity turd! Just more propaganda for the sheeple. He needs to worry about his current elected position and not the position he hopes for!

  5. so clearly he believes and agrees that police have now also taken the role of judge jury and punish-er....

    1. You could tell that just by looking [down] at him

  6. What a total jackass. I wonder if he understands that Fox is using him as the backwoods sheriff hick sterotype. HILARIOUS, Can someone ask this idiot what the infant that the police kicked into a coma did? Or maybe th kid with a capgun in Cleveland? Or the guy in New York. What a total and complete ass.

  7. They have the right to defend themselves and to make arrests of people the believe are breaking the law, How do you get judge and jury out of these actions? Don't break the law respect others and their property is it really that hard to do?

    1. And we have a right to defend ourselves from unlawful arrests and tyrant government and its entities. I'll take my chances with the jury and judge. Leave them there. Jury of our peers! The peers are sick of it.

    2. People they believe to be breaking the law? Shouldn't they be sure a law is broken?

  8. Lewis talks a good game but he don't back it up.

  9. Which laws? The ones they follow or the laws for everyone else?

  10. 7:00 PM and 7:16 PM it appears you do not believe you should have to obey the law or there should be no consequences when you break the law. I expect you would have a different opinion if you had chosen a career in LE

    1. These people are voices for sharpton and can't see it The change is coming they will be effected more bc they are lambs.

    2. If was a cop...I'd do my job with pride. Like I do everything I do. No matter how I feel , what I want to do or say, I do my job correctly. Your right I'd have a different opinion. I'd turn in bad cops. I wouldn't break a law to tell some they did the same. I would ticket officers for speeding. Yup good cops twenty years ago did that.

    3. 8:34 do you know what sheeple are? Go talk to the man that looks like you in the bathroom.

  11. I have to say this about Lewis and his gang of thugs that work for him... That is a load of crap him! I was not breaking any law - that is a fact. Yet the deputy thug broke the law when he made an UNLAWFUL demand of me, and when I did not follow that UNLAWFUL demand, I was arrested. It was the deputy thug that broke the law with the illegal arrest. Or do you stupid people think that cops NEVER do wrong?

    1. I would've shot him dead. And fought it to the federal levels. We have a constitutional right to fight against arrests like that. To the death at that! Him or me! I'll die for my rights and freedoms. I took an oath 20 years ago to defend the constitution and fight all enemies, foreign and domestic. And I see police as enemies!

    2. That was a threat and is being reported to the WCSO.

    3. It wasn't a threat. Lmao. You think you can intimidate peoe officer? Scared? Do your jobs correctly and you won't have no worries. And officer if you knew the law so well you would know this is a media outlet and you cannot charge anyone for their expression. And Joe would never allow his sources to be turned over. He is a good journalist. Nobody would come back for fear of prosecution of their words. Lmao. I know my law!

    4. Lmao. I would've isn't I'm going to. This officer is the type to arrest a guy without knowing the law out of spite. Ruin a persons life or cost them thousands. And you wonder why your hated. I'd leave the the guy alone officer. Trying to arrest from that is unlawful.

    5. The main reason for our second amendment rights is to bear arms to protect ourselves from tyrant government entities . good luck prosecuting a man for expressing his second amendment rights on a key board.

    6. 5:56
      You need to report D's!

    7. D's nuts. Lmao...... Got em!


  12. Size don't matter. 7 foot people can look UP to our sheriff. I have people from other states tell me "They like our sheriff." RESPECT

    1. You are correct, (7) foot-people can look "up" to him! See, punctuation makes a difference.

  13. I think Mike might have a Napolean complex but the man is right! Too many cops are scared to publicly say what our Sheriff is saying....give the man credit! If the government came for your legal guns tomorrow,this is the man who will fight back to uphold the Constitution.

    1. No he's not! He will cave like the rest of them! He's only saying what people want to hear because it gets him attention and camera time. He's a fake and a phony.

  14. He's a no nonsense Sherriff, uphold the law....

  15. 7:48 Sorry I am too tall:(

  16. You know the old saying...If you can't take the beat down don't do the crime!!!! Good interview Sheriff!

  17. Obama doesn't follow the law (Constitution) regarding immigration and deportation of those who broke the law by entering America illegally.

  18. 6:48

    If the officer gives either command they are to be obeyed.
    Pretty simple.

  19. 1055 never drink and blog.

    1. I'm stone cold sober! I'm real. People like me exist. I'm a white man at that. I maybe from the shore but I am not a sheep or chicken. We call ourselves American? Yet we live under rule! A lot of people died in ww2 by doing what? Nothing! Nothing but trust the government.

  20. Replies
    1. Obama holder liberals msnbc nbc are tools.

  21. I'm not sure why "do as you're told" is so complex. Cap welfare benefits at two kids, and there might be fewer criminals to victimize the rest of us.

  22. We respect Sheriff Lewis and all of our law enforcement officers. And we are very happy to see him on national TV shows. To the jealous and sour commenters, I wish you well. You need all the help you can get.

    1. Who exactly is we? We the sheeple? We the Leos? Its not we the majority!

  23. 8:48 you were found guilty and you lost your State job loser. You are now and your were then a drunk. It is said you did not seek the treatment you and your wife so very sadly needed. You would still have a job today and would probably be blogging while sober lol. Instead you are still a drunken a-hole that hates cops because they arrested you for abusing your State authority. You in fact violated the rights of Marylanders and have the gall to call the cops out. You sir are a hypocrite and a bigot and a stinking drunk. Get help you need it.

    1. How do you know who this is? You don't! Again officers who think they all trying to justify wrongs! Typical cops. Belittle people to make them look better. You should here these guys in the gym. Hey power house your slowly losing customers because of these obnoxious cops!

  24. I love it when the WCSO sets up radar on Rockawalkin Rd. a half mile from Rt. 50 on a Friday to snare locals doing 50mph while hundreds of people doing 65-70 on Rt. 50 pass right by un ticketed. Thanks Mike.

  25. Shhh,don't tell anyone,but Mike is on the VERY SHORT LIST for an upcoming TV role.Sensational popularity is unpredictable and now and then a previous unknown (outside of MD)gains national recognition.Sean saw his potential & TV production companies do as well.It will however reach a point where he cannot do both jobs.

    1. God he can't leave fast enough.

  26. do as well.It will however reach a point where he cannot do both jobs.

    Um he can't do either job now so I think that time has passed.

  27. 1015...im sorry but your wrong about that. Hes a g99d ole boy before a cop. Hes a huntung. Fishing shoreman and if they day ever comes the gov tries to take our guns he will no doubt put down that badge and pick up his rifle with the rest of us.

    1. So he is the first one that's gonna die here on the shore to protect us? Lmao. He will be the first one out of town in front of a camera!

    2. He is a good ol boy before a cop.......
      That's obvious the way he profiled his way to the top. The way he handles shop.

  28. How does an elected person like lewis get fired? Its obvious he's never around and pursuing other careers. His own damn deputies even complain about it. Can the county council do anything? Can they mandate he at least quit with the TV and poloticing and report to work and do his job? Is he just untouchable? It makes me sick to know I'm paying him to be on TV trying to get his name and face out there for big brother to reckonize him for a future election.

  29. I do not know whos face i am tired of lookng at more!!!!!!! His, obamas or hillarys.I wonder if he is accepting fees from fox news. Send him to o,reillys show and see how he fairs there.Really just so so tired of looking at him and hearing him talk

  30. Would you prefer to have an elected official who panders to thugs and caves in to threats of anarchy and mob violence to further their own political career?

    Because that worked out so well for Baltimore...and Durham...and Detroit...

    1. I don't know 8:13?
      I'd like for him to at least spend more time around here . If it did kick off here , he probably would be in New York or L.A at the time in a make up chair. So my answer is I just want my sheriff to stay home and protect us!

  31. After skimming over the comments it appears that quite a few don't concur with his statement.How can a functional society NOT agree with him? I would love to know the dynamics of those who commented.

    1. We can probably guess.

    2. Amen - they sure sound as if breaking the law is the fault of the LEO - sorry but at 78 I still believe in respect, as I was taught by my parents as I have taught my children and as they have taught my grandchildren,

      We have been stopped by LE. None of us have been in jail or prison. We didn't blame the LEO and admitted to ourselves that we were in the wrong and showed respect.
      You act like a thug, LE will treat you like a thug, you act respectful LE will treat you respectful. You sit at your computer writing "could of, would of, should of" not knowing facts, except what you conger up in your mind. Would you be able to fill an LEO shoes the way you imply it SHOULD be done?

      I respect Mike Lewis and IMO he does good by Wicomico County, Sadly there is much disrespect for him and all LEO in these comments.

    3. Try reading and comprehending instead of skimming. Then maybe you'll be smart enough to see the dynamics. Or reality!

    4. Dynamics....?

      More like demographics.

  32. I find it very hard to hear how many people are so self serving. If the officer tells you to stop, stop. He'll find out you did nothing wrong and let you on you way, may even direct you to a safer location. You all are asking for trouble. Sounds like you just want to fight. Why???

    1. Find out I did nothing wrong? I'm a human not a fish. He better have 100% no doubt I need to be interacted with. That's the problem ..... He will pull you and find out. Last I knew probable cause was needed to pull someone over.

  33. Way to go sheriff Lewis.
    Thanks for having the courage to fight crime and to tell it like it is.

  34. I love how sherf lewis says none of his tv appearance cost taxpayers. Like mayberry residents didn't buy hime those nice clothes--i hear they're the best-dressed in the country-- and shiny gold meddles.

    1. Mayberry residents furnished "hime" those nice clothes long before "hime" appeared on tv. I get so sick of reading "I hear", or "Street talk is", or "a friend of my step Mother's first husband's cousin said". Sadly many comments do not have facts.

    2. Or his Dept vehicle he drives to the TV stations on our gas and wear!

  35. I agree with everything Mike Lewis said and my family and I have known the man for many years. But let me play devils advocate for a second even though I agree there are also a great many police officers on ego trips out there and that needs to be rectified as well. I have the pleasure of working with cops on a daily basis through my line of work. But there are a few out there I wouldn't spit or piss on if they were on fire.

  36. The law is the law, not a choice of if you believe it's correct or not, or your opinion. If you listen and do what's asked, you may eventually ask questions, if you are stopped they have a reason, either someone reported you, or reported a vehicle like yours, just answer the questions and cooperate. Obey the law ever hear of it?

    1. Like mine but isn't! That's the point. Must have absolute probable cause. Many vehicles look the same. No excuse. That's how innocent people get guns drawn and treated like a criminal.

  37. 12:31 maybe the jury might help but you forget who the judge works for, and it ain't you or us! And the jury won't be one of your peers unless you have an IQ of room temperature. Good luck with all that!

  38. All they can go on is a description, and if there aren't enough details to narrow it down, of course there will be innocent people stopped and questioned. If they are looking for someone regarding a specific crime, they aren't looking for something they can get YOU on, they are just trying to rule you out and move on.

    They don't get points for stopping and talking to people who fit the general description, they get points for actually finding and arresting the person who committed the crime. So of course they would prefer to make it as brief and hassle-free as possible, in most cases. We all know there are the occasional jerks who've had a bad day and can't wait to get ahold of some deserving punk ass to deal him some attitude adjustment. But it's few and far between, not that it excuses it.

    Years ago, I got followed in Ocean City, and around 2nd Street about 9 or 10 cop cars converged on me, stopping me in the middle of the road. At leas a dozen officers, maybe more, jumped out with their guns drawn, and pointed them at me.

    I was mystified, as I didn't think I had any unpaid parking tickets to worry about, and I wasn't speeding. Turned out there had just been a kidnapping/murder at the High's store in the north part of OC, and my car happened to fit the general description...red with a black top, older model, with a loud exhaust.

    I certainly co-operated, even consented to a search of the car (which I normally would not). They asked for my license, and wanted to know who I was, where I had been, where I was going, and if anyone else had access to my car, where I worked, and so on. Unfortunately, the time wasted with me, may have helped the perpetrator escape; I don't think they ever solved that one.

    I was kind of glad they searched it, they found a $20 bill I'd misplaced. I didn't think anything of it, and pulled out a trash bag, and asked them to toss in any trash they came across. lol

    They did find a loaded diaper, though.

    My daughter slept through the whole thing, in the infant seat.

    Yes, I was "profiled" as far as the description of the car goes, and as I recall it was a white person who witnesses described (this was a long time ago). But so what? They were doing their jobs.

    I would much rather be occasionally inconvenienced by a few questions regarding an incident which I may or may not have any knowledge of, because I fit some description, than the alternative, which is to question and search everybody.

    Once I gave them the innocent answers to the reasonable questions, they told me what had happened up north, and that was why they stopped me. It wasn't unreasonable given the circumstances, which I didn't know at the time.

    I think solving a crime committed against someone else, the hassle, pain, financial loss, and so on, is more important to that victim, than the little bit of inconvenience of a few minutes is to me or anyone.

    1. All they have is a description, of course innocent people will be stopped. Wrong! That is wrong! Police need to do police work. I.E. investigate, prints,photos etc.... Not just start pulling every vehicle over that is close in color!

    2. There wasn't time for that. The crime happened about 20 minutes before I was pulled over, and they wanted to try to prevent the perpetrator from getting out of OC. So it was reasonable to stop every car with a similar description with a white person driving it.

      Too bad it was too late, the guy got away. I've always wondered what happened to that poor woman.

  39. Two comments.... #1 Can you imagine this world without police, I cant ... #2 Look at what this man has done with the Sheriffs department ... KUDOS Sheriff Lewis !

  40. Anonymous EJD said...
    Two comments.... #1 Can you imagine this world without police, I cant ... #2 Look at what this man has done with the Sheriffs department ... KUDOS Sheriff Lewis !

    June 14, 2015 at 7:51 PM

    we didnt always have police and we would survive without them again. you are just kept in a constant state of fear so you will THINK you need them

    1. Ok so WHEN did we not have police? Sheriffs were created by constitution. ........ So how long ago was that? MSP was established in 1914.... Over 100 years ago. Baltimore city police dept was established in 1867. It's widely recognized that the first organized police force were the Roman vigiles, the first group of nonmilitary and nonmercenary police. They were created by Gaius Octavius, the grand nephew of Julius Caesar, around 27 B.C. After his uncle was assassinated, little Octavius swore revenge and rose to power with a desire to reform Roman society. Once he became ruler, he took the name Augustus Caesar, or more simply Augustus, the first emperor of Rome. Now..... What were you saying? Something about ....... We didn't always have police?

    2. Well. We landed here in the 1600's. Alot of time between then and the Constitution was written.

  41. we didn't unless you of course lived in ancient rome. Do you really think we always had the police? You must be a product of common core!

    1. From Wiki.........In British North America, policing was initially provided by local elected officials. For instance, the New York Sheriff's Office was founded in 1626, and the Albany County Sheriff's Department in the 1660s. In the colonial period, policing was provided by elected sheriffs and local militias.

      In 1789 the U.S. Marshals Service was established, followed by other federal services such as the U.S. Parks Police (1791)[35] and U.S. Mint Police (1792).[36] The first city police services were established in Philadelphia in 1751,[37] Richmond, Virginia in 1807,[38] Boston in 1838,[39] and New York in 1845.[40] The U.S. Secret Service was founded in 1865 and was for some time the main investigative body for the federal government.[41]

      So yes......we've always had police. And if I'm a product of common core you must be a product of incest.

  42. June 15, 2015 at 8:29 AM

    great. now go look up the numbers

  43. lmao you cite a wiki article, man this country is doomed! do you even know what the deal is with wiki? God we are screwed, the idiots are running the asylum! Hey but i saw it on tv or or the internet so it has to be true!

  44. The Devil has spoken ! he is one of the worst when it comes to entrapment , lying , and setting people up . This Man is treacherous.

  45. So yes......we've always had police. And if I'm a product of common core you must be a product of incest.

    June 15, 2015 at 8:29 AM

    try again.

    The watch system was composed of community volunteers whose primary duty was to warn of impending danger. Boston created a night watch in 1636, New York in 1658 and Philadelphia in 1700. The night watch was not a particularly effective crime control device. Watchmen often slept or drank on duty. While the watch was theoretically voluntary, many "volunteers" were simply attempting to evade military service, were conscript forced into service by their town, or were performing watch duties as a form of punishment. Philadelphia created the first day watch in 1833 and New York instituted a day watch in 1844 as a supplement to its new municipal police force (Gaines, Kappeler, and Vaughn 1999).

    Augmenting the watch system was a system of constables, official law enforcement officers, usually paid by the fee system for warrants they served. Constables had a variety of non-law enforcement functions to perform as well, including serving as land surveyors and verifying the accuracy of weights and measures. In many cities constables were given the responsibility of supervising the activities of the night watch.

    These informal modalities of policing continued well after the American Revolution. It was not until the 1830s that the idea of a centralized municipal police department first emerged in the United States. In 1838, the city of Boston established the first American police force, followed by New York City in 1845, Albany, NY and Chicago in 1851, New Orleans and Cincinnati in 1853, Philadelphia in 1855, and Newark, NJ and Baltimore in 1857 (Harring 1983, Lundman 1980; Lynch 1984). By the 1880s all major U.S. cities had municipal police forces in place.

  46. Like I said, we didn't always have police

    The first police department in the United States was established in New York City in 1844 (it was officially organized in 1845). Other cities soon followed suit: New Orleans and Cincinnati (Ohio) in 1852; Boston and Philadelphia in 1854; Chicago and Milwaukee (Wis.) in 1855; and Baltimore (Md.) and Newark (N.J.) in 1857. Those early departments all used the London Metropolitan Police as a model. Like the Metropolitan Police, American police were organized in a quasi-military command structure. Their main task was the prevention of crime and disorder, and they provided a wide array of other public services. There were no detectives.
    Chicago disbanded its criminal investigative division in 1864, as did Boston in 1870, and New York City suffered major scandals in 1877—all as a consequence of corruption. All those cities soon reconstructed their investigative units, but significant improvement in the professional conduct of detectives did not occur until well into the 20th century.

  47. If you don't like America it is simple get out. You elected this man and he has done the job. Election are every four years. If you think you can beat run. To sit on you couch and bad mouth the police behind a blog is just plain and simply being a coward.

    It is easy to sit on the side lines running your mouth. Go do a ride along see the real deal not what the media portrays it to be.

    Mike great work the nation is hearing the truth. Jealousy is a weakness. Do not hate the player hate the game.

    When you do go Hollywood can I have your Tahoe ??

    1. One of these days you will look out your door and no longer recognize your country. On that day I want you to find someone in power and tell them how you feel. I'm almost certain that by the time you catch on, the standard answer will be:
      "If you don't like America get out".

  48. "You elected this man and he has done the job."
    So crime's down, amidst a heroin summit, & Jeffro's on his way to Beverly Hills
    great image

  49. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If you don't like America it is simple get out.

    No, we want the one's who are ruining america to get out. and if that included you well...bye.


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