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Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Schiff, King Urge Obama To Be Aggressive In Cyberwar

Two top-ranking House lawmakers -- a Democrat and Republican -- on Sunday called on President Obama to go beyond the “whodunit” in the recent hacking of U.S. government computers, suggesting his administration must go on the attack.

“We need to figure out when we’re going on an offensive,” California Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, told “Fox News Sunday.”

Schiff, one of the most hawkish congressional Democrats, said he couldn’t be certain that China was indeed behind the attack. However, the breach was either the work of “state actors” or a “very sophisticated group” working with the Chinese government.

Beijing says U.S. claims that China-based hackers were involved in getting into Office of Personal Management computers are unproven and irresponsible, but has not denied responsibility for the attacks.

The security breach resulted in the purported identify theft of at least 4 million federal workers.

Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., a member of the House’s Homeland Security Committee and former chairman of the chamber’s Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, said the United States must do more than it is doing right now.

“We should not be afraid to use all of our tools to stop this,” he told Fox News.


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