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Sunday, June 07, 2015

Sarah Palin hits media ‘double standard’ on Duggars, calls Lena Dunham a ‘pedophile’

A day after TLC stars Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar confirmed that their oldest son, Josh, had “improperly touched some of our daughters" years ago as a teenager, Sarah Palin is weighing in. And she's got especially harsh words for HBO's Lena Dunham.

The former GOP vice presidential hopeful lashed out at the media -- including in ALL CAPS -- for its "hell-bent mission to go after the entire Duggar family for one member’s wrongdoing, while giving a total pass to perverted actions of someone like Lena Dunham."

Palin pointed to a post by her daughter, Bristol, who wrote that the media gave a "big fat yawn" to Dunham "when she wrote in her book that she sexually experimented with her sister" as a young girl.

Sarah Palin called Dunham a "pedophile."



  1. Lena Dunham was a little 7 year old girl. Josh Duggar was a 14 year old boy in the throes of adolescence and Plenty old enough to know right from wrong. BIG difference.

  2. That is one unintelligent, crazy,confused washed up presedential candidate

  3. Lena Dunham is the worst kind of P.O.S. libtard. No talent, ugly and psychopathic.

  4. She is so hot.

  5. Liberalism its evil, Satans religion

  6. Lets not forget little Michael Jackson, he loved "Playing" with children!

  7. 5:01 said "Lena Dunham was a little 7 year old girl...".

    A 7 year old girl molesting her 1 year old sister. Yeah that is normal behavior, happens every day all over the world. NOT!!!

  8. 5:44 Hope you are talking about Palin and not Dunham.

  9. 917 Palin of course

  10. He'll must have freezed over I a liberal actually agree with Sarah Palin. It's a double standard and the media knows how to play it.

  11. Lena Dunham is a sexually sick, ugly, w**re. Women don't get any worse than Lena.

  12. Sarah hit the nail on the head. The media knows what sells and attacking conservative families is a hot ticket. Just look at Baltimore. More lies by the media and the left makes me sick. People wake up and seek the truth. It is out there. Stop drinking the Ohbammy Ade.

  13. Their will be lawsuits over this you watch.

  14. I think more damage was done to the girls because of the media being on a witch hunt.

  15. Liberals hate women.

  16. a Liberal Woman is REALLY... REALLY...I mean Really UGLY

  17. People living in glass houses should not be throwing stones Sarah!!!


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