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Thursday, June 04, 2015


By Carol Kellam

Social Security Manager, Salisbury MD District Office

In July, with American flags flying, we celebrate our nation’s birthday and the freedoms and protections we hold dear. Although love for your country can take many forms, Social Security takes preventing and combatting fraud as seriously as we take our other vital missions.

Social Security has a zero-tolerance policy for fraud. In tandem with local law enforcement, we pursue criminals who cheat the system by collecting benefits that they’re not owed. This might be as subtle as someone intentionally failing to report income and resources or that they live with their spouse which can result in incorrect payments. Fraud might take the form of someone claiming to be disabled when, in reality, they continue to work. These examples are why we also rely on you — the American public — to report fraud when you see it.
While we can’t prevent every instance of fraud any more than the most effective law enforcement agency can prevent all crime, we aggressively investigate and pursue prosecution of those who try to cheat and steal from the system. Our message to those who would defraud Social Security is clear: We will find you; we will prosecute you; we will seek the maximum punishment allowable under the law; and we will fight to restore the money you’ve stolen from the American people.

We impose stiff penalties to discourage people from committing fraud. We monitor cases closely, and we have sophisticated tools to help us predict where and when fraud may occur so we can catch it early — often before it happens.

Social Security employs innovative weapons in the fight against fraud. Our Office of Anti-Fraud Programs (OAFP) is the newest member of Social Security’s anti-fraud team. Established in November 2014, the mission of OAFP is to coordinate all the agency’s efforts to efficiently and effectively detect, deter, and mitigate fraud, waste, and abuse of our programs.

OAFP works closely with our Office of the Inspector General to ensure that there are consequences for those who commit fraud — even if the act isn’t prosecuted.

Social Security takes fraud seriously, and so should you. In the same way that you might keep a keen eye out for suspicious activity that might harm our nation, we encourage you to keep an eye out for potential Social Security fraud. Some of our most vulnerable citizens — the elderly, disabled children and war veterans, as well as the chronically ill — are counting on you. If you suspect someone is committing Social Security fraud, report it online at http://oig.ssa.gov/report  or call the Social Security Fraud Hotline at 1-800-269-0271.


  1. One can always tell when a payout Fed agency is under fire.This is CYA.

  2. love our government, instead of doing the job they get paid to do, which is verify those receiving these benefits deserve them. They want you to snitch on your neighbor. How come we never see them asking for help about those scamming wlfare or medicaid benefits?

  3. The biggest Social Security fraud is that Congress does not pay into the system! So much for by the people, for the people...

  4. how about you go after the ones in govt who 'borrow/steal' from SS, give back the 5 months of disability people have to forfeit when they are finally approved for disability, stop giving it to illegal aliens.....that should get you started and keep you busy for awhile.

  5. 9:41....well said.
    Won't ever happen , but well said.

  6. Anonymous lmclain said...
    9:41....well said.
    Won't ever happen , but well said.

    June 4, 2015 at 1:02 PM

    Thank you kind sir

  7. I'd like to report a fraud, SPD manipulates their crime stats according to what grants they've applied for.

  8. I tried to report a local fraud today. Ibsat on hold with s.s. fraud dept waiting for two hours to be hung up on. Then called back same thing. Half day wasted. I spent my next half day calling my republican representatives. No answer in state or d.c. offices. Finally a republican from the house of delegates calls. OK? Says call my state fraud dept. I said its s.s. and federal. He says idk what or who to call. Lmao. Go at it folks. It is impossible to report fraud. The government dumbocrat in charge probably wants the fraud. Matches the ebt fraud, his life as a fraud....etc.

  9. "....and we will fight to restore the money you’ve stolen from the American people."

    Well you are not doing a great job restoring our money you have given to the illegal aliens and the blacks that refuse to work!


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