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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Rep. Gohmert: Obama Outed Active Israeli Iran Spy Mission

Congressman also blasts White House for disclosing possible use of Azerbaijani airspace by Israel in Iran strike.

United States Congressman Louie Gohmert revealed Thursday that the Obama administration had “outed” an active Israeli spy mission in Iran. Israel, he said, had infiltrated Israeli spies into mainland Iran via cargo boats.

He dropped the bombshell in a speech at EMET’s 9th annual “Rays of Light in the Darkness” gala dinner.

Rep. Gohmert, who is one Israel’s fiercest and truest friends on Capitol Hill, stated: “We are on the brink of disaster.”

He listed a stream of virulently anti-Israel actions taken by President Obama which included the “outing” of the Israeli spy mission, and the Obama Administration’s disclosing of possible use of Azerbaijani airspace by Israel.

Rep. Gohmert did not elaborate on whether Obama’s disclosure of Israeli covert operations had resulted in the capture or death of any of Israel’s Iranian spies.

Gohmert also related that he is often asked about prophecies of “end-of-days” events, and how they might be tied to the current events. He explained, “I tell everybody, the only way America will be around until the end of days is if America is the best friend Israel ever had.”

However, the plain talking congressman made clear, “the new gas chambers are called nuclear weapons. And, we can’t, can’t allow Iran to kill millions of Jews. They must be stopped!”

Rep. Gohmert's accusations are sure to add fuel to the controversy ignited by former Israeli ambassador to the United States, MK Michael Oren (Kulanu), that President Obama has purposefully destroyed the Israeli-United States relationship.


  1. Obama needs to be charged with Treason,

    and according to ABE Lincoln...

    Well, you read what good old ABE said about Treason and Punishment

  2. Hussien obama is the greatest threat America and the free world have ever faced. I won't say anymore for fear of the secret service, but something needs to change and change soon or this country is over.

  3. Obama is pure evil.

  4. The war in Iraq and the execution of Saddam Hussein generated one of the greatest blunders/threats that the free world has ever faced.Hussein would have eradicated ISIS before they ever got started.We cheered a system that believed in catching and releasing terrorists.Hussein killed terrorists & because of that was labeled a terrorist himself.Time will prove that his methods were much more effective.

  5. Obama will pay dearly at some point. Problem is he is bent on destroying America and trying to take us down at the same time. Pray for people that love our country, love Israel, love freedom and love God will step forth and not allow this to happen. Pray there will be many more whistleblowers coming forth. Pray for the safety of those that are trying to get truth out to the citizens of this nation. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.


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