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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Public asked to weigh-in on predatory towing bill in Montgomery County

WASHINGTON — Complaints about aggressive and even predatory towing have increased in recent years in Montgomery County, and a bill meant to fight these practices got a public hearing Tuesday night.

“My vehicle was towed within I think 6 or 7 minutes,” Brian Young testified before County Council’s Public Safety Committee.

Christopher Whitehouse said what he went through amounted to “auto theft by tow truck.”

Another person who had his car hooked up and towed away, Jimmy Duncan, had nasty things to say about one company.



  1. If you aren't parked illegally, you won't get towed!!

  2. Once again, lawmakers stepping into private business. Everyone HATES a tow operator, until they need one.

  3. getting towed is one thing but to have people out there just riding around looking for someone to tow is another. charging a person to get items out of veh before its tow is BS. that's a driver that wants to put money in his own pocket not the tow company. i know i used to drive a tow truck there is no policy that requires a fee to get items just greedy drivers


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