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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Panel reviewing police practices in Maryland

ANNAPOLIS, Md. —In the wake of the police in-custody death of Freddie Gray, state lawmakers on Monday began looking into police practices Monday.

A legislative task force held the first of seven planned hearings Monday to review everything from police training to officer psychiatric evaluations.

The ultimate goal is to foster a better relationship between police and the community.

The legislative panel is embarking on a daunting and complex task. State House presiding officers want the members to hold hearings and take field trips to gather information about policing practices statewide.



  1. Don't pander to the thugs!
    Body cameras will help to show what happened - along with the civilian (edited) version.
    Multiple responders to an incident will also serve towards accountability and show of force!

    Don't weaken the enforcement activities - increase the accountability activities!

  2. its simple.
    if people just did what police asked, there would be far fewer issues

    1. And why? Why bow down to tyrant overseers? They're just as criminal as the next guy. It amazes me how they can break four laws to fine you for breaking one. How they can justify their brothers and sisters murderous actions! Police need to answer to the public! Watched with a microscopic eye! Dissect all their actions and hold them accountable for all their transgressions.

  3. Psychiatric? I always said you have to be a little "touched" to deal with the garbage on the street

    1. Why is there no psychiatric evaluations required to be a legislator?

  4. That's what we need more of......government and politicians telling police how to do their job.

    1. No. We need more of the public to do that! We need less cops deciding the fate of other cops and their actions.

  5. "...its simple. if people just did what police asked..."

    We could just call the US a Police State.

  6. Ok, so parents are not raising their kids, can't punish them is school (the racial numbers are too high, makes us lose money), oh now lets stop the police from being able to do their job. I hope you realize they are the last line left defending your home.

    1. I beg to differ. No cop had defended a home. They show up after to take a report for insurance reasons. If Maryland changed its gun laws then your argument is less valid. And to kill your ignorant comment..... My last line of defense is in the form of lead! Matter of fact, its my first line of defense as I will shoot first then call the law!

  7. @1:59 My Gun is my LAST LINE LEFT DEFENDING MY HOME! If these ignorant THUGS want to try to enter my home they are more than welcome to try!

  8. KAAAAAABOOOOOOMMMMJune 9, 2015 at 4:11 PM

    HA HA HA 3:32...I have a 10 Gauge with BB shot waiting for the Homey Thug

  9. I think al sharpton should be president. You all sound just like him I'm sure you would vote for him.

  10. I do whatever the Police ask me to do.

    I am a stupid slave.

    I cannot think for myself and have no idea about what is right or wrong.

    I do not believe governments ever become tyrannical. Governments are a gift from God. They are here to watch over my dumb ask and I love it that way.

    Thank God above for the Police. Without them, I don't know what I would do.

  11. The fact is that people frequently DON'T do what the police tell them to do. Lamenting their stupidity doesn't help solve the problem. Body cameras will serve to weed out the bully cops as well as help determine whether use of force was necessary.

  12. 11:08 you're so right. Once the cameras are implemented then more cops can do their job and kill more thugs and actually not have to be scrutinized because the cameras will show what actually happened. Cops are limited now as to using deadly force due to the crying and whining every time they do their job.


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