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Monday, June 08, 2015

O’Malley’s efforts on immigration reflect complex political realities

Democratic presidential hopeful Martin O’Malley stepped up his efforts to court Latino voters this week, appearing before a Hispanic business group and on Spanish-language television.

The former Maryland governor pledged to tackle comprehensive immigration reform during his first 100 days if he makes it to the White House, and he touted his record in Annapolis, which includes signing legislation that allows undocumented immigrants to get driver’s licenses and in-state college tuition rates.

While those and other measures have drawn applause from national immigrant rights advocates — with some declaring O’Malley’s record the strongest in the Democratic field — Maryland lawmakers present a more nuanced view.



  1. I'm going to Mva tomorrow and changing to republican...

  2. He is only telling them what they want to hear. Otaxie could care less about any demographic. The only thing he seeks is more perts from taxpayers and power to do whatever he wants. The man is a fraud, a cheat, and a liar. It will take Congress to make such sweeping changes not o'taxie.

  3. One more reason to be scared to death of the idea of O'Malley in the White House.

  4. I cannot believe he thinks he has a chance after Maryland election. His ace number one Protegé was destroyed in his election. What a joke.

  5. How has this country become so dumb?
    On another note: I have several friends, and family memebers, that are currently registered Republican. They are talking about changing to Democrat to have a voice in the primaries; thinking this could be the way to put holes in the Democrat shenanigans. I don't know if this would be effective, unless there was a vast majority change. Any ideas?

  6. I'm democrat but will be voting republican.

  7. He knows the key to the election will be minority voters. Obama knew that all too well the last go around. I just hope people realize what a comical joke this guy is and how scary he would be on a national level. Look at what he did to Maryland and it took a republican in a 2 to 1 state to come clean up the mess after 8 years.


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