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Saturday, June 06, 2015

Ocean City movie theater pursuing beer, wine license

Presumably as part of its $1.5 million redevelopment effort, which included new reclining seats with retractable armrests among other upgrades to the 143rd Street Fox Sun & Surf, Fox Theatres has applied for a Class B liquor license and hired Ocean City attorney Joe Moore to facilitate the effort.

“Class B is normally for a restaurant,” Moore said. “So we must put our proposal in line with the requirements of the board. We think we can make it work.”

The movie theater has applied for a seven-day, beer and wine license and was originally scheduled to appear at the June 17 meeting of the Board of License Commissioners, the governing board for liquor licenses in Worcester County. Moore has asked for, and received, a postponement until the July meeting.



  1. This is ridiculous. Mr. Moore should be ashamed, and if it were in Berlin he would be leading the charge against it!

  2. Sorry guys,but no one will be able to compensate for free online movies that are available on the same day that they arrive in theaters.Does'nt a light come on when you see major movie stars doing commercials and made for TV movies? While I'm typing this I'm watching a movie that came out on 6/5 on an 80" TV screen transferred from my PC.need I say more? Theaters are becoming obsolete.

  3. "no one will be able to compensate for free online movies that are available on the same day that they arrive in theaters."

    As long as the vast majority of people don't commit online piracy, movie theaters will continue to make a ton of money.

  4. 2:40
    Steal much?

  5. @5:37, you took the words right outta my mouth...

  6. 2:40 and 5:37-Last week I went to the movies and took my wife and 2 grandchildren.I had spent $50 before even sitting down in the theater after buying pop corn & drinks.Then my grandchildren gravitated to the machines in the lobby and spent another $20 before we got out of there.I realize that I sounded like a thief with my earlier comment,but I'm retired & can only go the theater route when my money allows.Being a movieholic doesn't help my case any.


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