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Monday, June 15, 2015

OC Traffic This Past Weekend

Four miles took one and a half hours to get into Ocean City. 


  1. Qne and a half to get to fenwick on Rt54!

  2. Wow, people must really love OC and the events there to sit in traffic that long! I personally couldn't do it. LOL

  3. Ocean City is not worth all that trouble. I hope they could at least see the Blue Angels flying by while they sat there in traffic.

  4. And it is worse in Ocean City! Can't wait until the SHA forces its lane-reducing onto the area between 61st & Convention Center - it took me 45 minutes Saturday night to go from 87th to 42nd Streets!

  5. On Saturday east bound 50 was backed up to the Rt 113 exit and Rt 90 before the 589 exit. St Martins Neck Rd to get on to Rt90 was backed up to Light House Sound.
    The air show draws a big crowd.

  6. I could have shown you a shortcut but you didn't ask.

  7. I heard that Kranz and OC's ambulance were on stand-by taxi - for those female motorist that might find themselves stranded.

  8. In gridlock traffic, ten minutes, 53rd Street to 16th Street - on a bicycle. Locals know how to cope with the few days over the course of the season that traffic is through the roof.

  9. Far better places to enjoy the beach. Rat race all summer.


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