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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Obama To Issue ‘Gag Order’ For All Americans Regarding Firearms-Related Speech

President Obama is about to bypass Congress once again with his royal pen and phone through an executive order that seeks to silence online speech related to firearms.

With one executive order, Obama will undermine the First and Second Amendment rights of all Americans.

Let’s take a look at what our ’emperor’ has done through the administration’s “Unified Agenda”, quietly published in the Federal Register on June 3rd…



  1. Lock Him up already!!!!

  2. Agreed 5:49am. Who comes up with this?

  3. If this is true he needs to be impeached right away for violation of his oath to uphold the constitution and for violating the constitution.No executive order can override our rights of freedom of press or speech!

  4. He, and his nazi liberals, can go straight top hell!

  5. It's past time to impeach this POS, it's time for the people to take it upon themselves to remove him from office, by ANY means, and fix this.


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