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Thursday, June 04, 2015

Obama ‘Reassigns’ TSA Chief After Guns and Bombs Found Easily Smuggled Through Airport

President Obama’s administration has quietly “reassigned” the head of the Transportation Security Administration after a new report found that guns and bombs were easily sneaked past TSA screeners and into airports.

Obama’s DHS reported today that TSA chief Melvin Carraway was “reassigned” and is no longer running the agency.

The acting chief of the Transportation Security Administration was ousted late Monday night after an embarrassing new report found that airport security officers badly failed a new test, missing almost every firearm and explosive investigators tried to sneak by them.

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson announced the move, saying Melvin Carraway had been “reassigned” to another part of the department and his deputy would take over, serving until the Senate can confirm a new chief.

Earlier in the night Mr. Johnson had said he’d just been given a classified briefing on the inspector general’s findings that found a major loophole in security that could allow people to sneak prohibited items by TSA screeners and into what were supposed to be secure areas of airports.

Mr. Johnson said the preliminary findings were classified and said it wasn’t “appropriate or prudent” to talk about them — but ABC News reported that IG investigators managed to sneak contraband material by TSA screeners in 67 of 70 tests.

“Reassigned”? Why not frikkin FIRED! Oh, yeah, because no one is ever held accountable in this administration.



  1. I accidentally had a pocket knife in my pocket and it went thru the checkpoint in the little plastic box. I took it all the way to LA and back.

  2. How about hiring different people than the current thieves, perverts, bullies and assorted lowlifes currently employed?

  3. They did catch those two people that were trying to carry guns onto planes at Salisbury Airport, although nothing happened to them, because they were rich people.

  4. TSA is so busy laughing at everyone for allowing them to process through the naked body scanners . . . they can't focus on the real job.

  5. You do know they keep those pictures - right?

  6. Reassigns??? Is he still shooting up drugs?? The guy should have been out right FIRED!

  7. What are naked body scanners?

  8. I like the postings on the web of the nude photo's from TSA. You really can see the "Long and the short" of it, and everything else! You can even see the "Implants".

  9. I keep hearing stories about TSA employees sneering and giggling while looking at the scanners.


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