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Thursday, June 04, 2015

New York Mets Dress Like Prison Inmates to Promote Gun Control

Quite fitting that gun control advocates dress like disarmed prisoners

Nearly every player on the New York Mets baseball team dressed in orange like prison inmates to promote gun control, the political movement that would practically turn Americans into a disarmed prison population.

The Mets posed in orange for a photo tweeted out on Tuesday in support of “Gun Violence Awareness Day,” which is sponsored by Michael Bloomberg’s “Everytown for Gun Safety.”



  1. gun control = two handed grip, good sight picture, small grouping of hits on target.

  2. idiots...its the CRIMINALS that are violating the laws, not the responsible gun owners.

  3. Theres more thugs in professional sports than on the streets of Baltimore.

  4. Bet at least half in the photo own at least one firearm.

  5. Never listen to sports figures or actors or politicians.

  6. when did prison inmates start wearing baseball pants and New York Met colored shorts????????????????????????????

  7. Let's see them give up all their firearms first.

  8. mets suck always have and always will. guess they got to do something to let everyone know they exist, cause they are irrelevant when it comes to baseball!

  9. The Mets are currently 4 games over .500 and 1/2 game behind the Washington Nationals in the National League East. Not exactly great but not sucking either.

  10. It just goes beyond my level of understanding as to why these people cannot see the insanity in what they're saying.


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