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Sunday, June 14, 2015

NAACP Chapter President Questioned About Her Racial Identity

SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — The head of the NAACP chapter in Spokane, Washington, is facing questions about whether she lied about her racial identity, with her family saying she is white but has portrayed herself as black.

Rachel Dolezal would not answer questions about her background in an interview with The Spokesman-Review newspaper.

“That question is not as easy as it seems,” she said Thursday. “There’s a lot of complexities … and I don’t know that everyone would understand that.”

Dolezal is president of the local branch of the civil-rights organization, an adjunct professor in the Africana Studies Program at Eastern Washington University and chairwoman of Spokane’s police oversight board.



  1. Well if Bruce Jenner can be whatever sex he feels like why can't this woman be whatever race she feels like?

  2. She had me fooled. I know it was wrong what she did, but dang that's impressive.

  3. Maybe she "identifies" herself as black, a sort of racial transgender...

  4. Complexities?
    Sister, at least one of your forebears was either from Africa, brought here before slavery was abolished and you are an African-American, or they weren't, and you're not.

  5. What do you mean a white girl can't be black ? They said Bruce Jenner couldn't be a woman too.

  6. It makes no difference because she is a Democrat which means she's a liar.

  7. Again, why does color matter?

    Oh yeah, it doesn't to most of us...

  8. Anonymous said...
    Sister, at least one of your forebears was either from Africa, brought here before slavery was abolished and you are an African-American, or they weren't, and you're not.

    June 12, 2015 at 3:58 PM

    Dude! A drop of blood doesn't make you African-American, it makes you multi-racial. I have a fifth great grandmother that came from Ireland and that doesn't make me Irish. Oh Wait! Would that make me Irish-American? Scottish-American? French-American? Canadian-American? Native American-American?

    WTF is an African-American and why do we have to use it to identify a black person? Why can't we be called any of the above that I mention as my ancestry? Because blacks are special and we have been trying for 150 years to put them on a pedestal and that is wrong. Get over yourselves.

  9. To the NAACP, of all organizations, color and race should not matter!

    So, why even bring it up?

  10. So let's say she is white. Doesn't the NAACP hire white people? NAACP stands for National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Isn't white a color? If they fire her can she sue them for racism?

    If Jenner can claim he is female why can't people claim they are any color they want. This could get interesting. Many could qualify for things only minorities qualify for now.

  11. I could care less what she identifies as, makes no difference to me. The fact of the matter is she lied to get into a position where she holds power of sorts. The NAACP has already stated that being African American is not a pre-requisite for the position....but in all honesty, would she be in that position if she was white and didn't lie? I think we all know the answer to that question. I also do not think that the NAACP will appreciate the way this information came out. Should be interesting to see the outcome, because now if they fire her they seem racist....oh the irony.

  12. Almost sounds like an episode from the tv show Family Affair, when Buffy wanted to be an african american when she grew up.

  13. 4:03
    Why does color matter?

    Because those of us with white privilege don't get the free scoloship to college that she got by claiming she was black.

    1. Because black privilege gets you stuff.

      White privilege is why we' re supposed to feel guilty when they take it from us.

  14. Today I think I am a butterfly, so please call me Flutter from now on!

  15. My DNA test revealed that I was 12% African American.That was news to me & I have no idea who in my lineage was responsible.That being said,I would never take advantage of that politically.Especially when I lived 62 years without knowing it.

  16. Lying seems to be extremely widespread among the NAACP leadership and it's members that she was probably hired because she lies so blatantly and that is a major plus for that organization. They look at lying as like an attribute. They probably figured if she is going to lie about something so obviously false, she will lie for them about anything.

  17. And Obama is called the first Black President, but everyone forgets his mother was White!

  18. 954 why did you get a DNA test? What part of Africa is your family from?

  19. white TRYING TO BE BLACK IS CALLED "redbone"

  20. She lived a lie and got caught. You liberals can justify almost anything. I never realized just how much damage the liberal agenda has done in America. People this women lied to a black man she married he later divorced her when he learned she was actually white. How people did she lie to face to face. How many people are now hurt by her actions. This is not an innocent mistake.

    There is no cleaning this crap up. She is sick. Just like Bruce Jenner is sick. OMG wait for it here comes the LIbtard Express. Sorry I do not stand by those who's actions hurt others.

    I identify as super man so should I wear a speedo and cape. Its called mental illness. She hurt her parents as well. She needed help a long time ago. Talk about an identity crisis lol

    She will make millions writing a book. Oprah will adopt her. Ellen will date her. End of story Hell I would read the book lol

  21. If she identifies as black...then let her be black. No grief needed.

    1. She had lied on numerous applications and made false reports.. She is a teacher. If she is lying about this then what else is she lying about.

  22. 11:38-Court ordered.

  23. Actually not paternity related.A matter of placing me at a particular crime that occurred 30 years ago. More than a mere swab was necessary.I was not a match.

  24. I don't pretend to be white this women is a foul person. She used lies to help her career by stepping on the thoats of my people. I want justice.

    1. So. "Your people" elected her the NAACP president because they felt she best represented them and their interests...then reject her for being white.

      The irony is just too multi-faceted and profound for comment.

      Except a little NAACP history: it was Jewish WHITE PEOPLE that founded the NAACP.

  25. Why didn't she pretend to be black and work in a bank or become a nurse. Instead she wanted naacp to look like fools. She is the worst racist I have ever seen.

  26. How many failing grades did she hand out for not understanding what it's like to be black?

  27. White is the ABSENCE of color...


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