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Saturday, June 13, 2015

More "Limited Government" GOP Hypocrisy


In case it wasn’t abundantly clear by now that the “Republican” party is not the party of limited government, we have a refresher from the state of Maryland …

“Despite recent gains around the country, civil asset forfeiture reform suffered a setback in Maryland when Gov. Larry Hogan (R) vetoed a bill that would have placed restraints on the state’s civil forfeiture regime,” The Cato Institute’s @Liberty blog noted.

What’s “civil asset forfeiture?” When government steals your property (i.e. houses, cars, money … anything) without first convicting you of committing a crime. Or in many cases, stealing because someone committed a crime using your property without your knowledge.

This website has repeatedly railed on civil asset forfeiture at both the federal and state level. It’s simply wrong – a violation of our most basic liberties. Not only should it be outlawed, it should be eliminated.

Unfortunately the Maryland law – which would have capped seizure amounts at $300 and added other property protections for private citizens – was shut down by the state’s “Republican” governor.

Hogan’s logic in vetoing the law? That it “would greatly inhibit” his state’s war on drugs …

Wow …



  1. So are the libturds of maryland gonna over ride his veto..as they should

  2. The GOP is beginning to show me exactly why they have been rebuffed in the past. I truly expected the Republicans to stand behind America and the American people when I voted this past November., I was wrong, very wrong.
    The only way Americans are going to take back our country is to do just that, take it back., and I'm not talking through elections, either.

  3. It's not really a war on drugs, it's a war on people. When was the last time a drug was shot in a police raid? Not every problem requires a war to solve it. And all it turns out to be is a war on rights. Slowly but surely taken away in the name of safety and saving the children when it does the opposite.


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