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Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Montgomery County making graduation robes gender-neutral

ROCKVILLE, Md. (AP) — Three Montgomery County high schools are making graduation robes gender-neutral with one color to respect transgender students.

Damascus, Sherwood and Walter Johnson High Schools have shifted to single-color robes this year, instead of two separate colors for males and females.

At least five others have decided to make the change next year.



  1. SERIOUSLY????? what is the world coming to????

  2. Typical Maryland... they couldn't go to one color fifty years ago to respect gender equality. But by god they have to do it today to respect the mixed up and pathetic in our midst.

  3. Ridiculous!! If you don't like the color of your gown, then stay home from graduation! What on earth is this world coming to?

  4. Well isn't that special ! Had enough yet America?

  5. The decay of the Country's moral compass continues.

    How did we get to the point where less than 2% of the population (the transgender/gay community) is dictating how we govern and conduct ourselves?

    I don't care what someone does behind closed doors. If a man wants to stick his tallywhacker up another man's human waste exit, by all means, knock yourself out and have a party. Just keep that information to yourself.

    If a man wants to tuck his tallywhacker between his legs, or cut it off entirely, and then put on a pretty dress to go to the mall, by all means, have at it. But you're still a man in women's clothes. Don't tell me your transgendering to a women. It's impossible.

    A man is born with the XY chromosome. No surgery, make-up or dress is going to change it to a YY chromosome.

  6. I don't believe it!! Ever since you idiots voted Obama as Senator then your president everything has become so gay. WTF!!

    So in order to please one or two people we have to offend thousands. Makes a lot of sense. NOT!!

  7. Why don't they just let the odd balls choose what color they want If it's that big a damn deal.

  8. Graduation ceremonies are discriminatory against those who didn't or couldn't achieve a diploma, they need to be banned!

    As crazy as this sounds, it could happen since we have to now be sensitive to all the liberals!

  9. Since the 2008 presidential elections in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA the country has been on a drastic slide to the Ununited States of America!
    People, WAKE UP!!!!
    The muslims take over the gays will be killed right along with the white people, regardless of their color.

  10. 11:57

    women are XX, not YY

    but i agree 100% with what you wrote.

    no number of lady parts is going to make a person with a Y chromosome a woman.


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