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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Mob of Black Teens Attacks White Family, Media Silent

"Get that white!" -- not considered a hate crime

On the same day that the now media-saturated McKinney, Texas incident occurred when a large group of black teens crashed a pool party and later clashed with white police officers, another black mob in Alabama attacked a random white family with fists and a Taser as they yelled, “Get that white!”

The Dawes family was attacked around 8:30 p.m. at a family-friendly event in the city of Florence that Friday evening. The 14-year-old son was initially hit from behind. He said at first he thought someone bumped into him but then knew better as the fists kept coming. That’s when the father stepped in to protect his son and the mob of 20 to 30 black teens turned their anger on him. The father suffered a broken eye socket and was tased at least 6 times, according to reports.

Nearby, Mrs. Dawes sat in the family vehicle with her 4-year-old son and dialed 9-1-1. She said there was so many of them, she didn’t know what to do. The teens eventually smashed out the back window of the vehicle, spraying glass shards on the young boy.



  1. This is all going to lead to a race war.

  2. And of course nothing is going to be done about it.

  3. Where is Al Sharpton?

  4. Where is the media attention?

  5. Now the thugs are arming themselves with tasers! That was also what re read in the Fairfield Ohio pool incident. The black mother was telling her child to get her taser out of her purse.

    If a white person carried a taser they would be charged with carrying a concealed deadly weapon.

    1. Your moron. It's not lethal. Therefore the first choice by police.
      We all know they can be lethal. Keep listening to cops.

  6. Anonymous said...
    Your moron. It's not lethal. Therefore the first choice by police.
    We all know they can be lethal. Keep listening to cops.

    June 18, 2015 at 11:21 AM

    WTF are you talking about???

    1. Are you that dense? You can't follow that? One made a comment that tasers were lethal force. The other made a crack at the Leos saying they are not lethal and their first choice of less than lethal. When we all know electricity can kill you. Peoe have pace makers etc.....

  7. The hell with the inner cities. Better lock and load. Be judged by twelve then carried by six.

  8. Negative. White guy in jail is passed around like a dust rag. Stupid comment.

  9. 241 I guess you would rather walk around with a broken eye socket family seriously hurt or worse. Your the stupid poster.

  10. It has been said for years that there will be another civil war in this country. Folks, it is about to happen!!

  11. It's okay, it's a cultural thing.


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