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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Michelle Obama Cries That Muslim Women are Being Treated Like Jim Crow South Blacks

Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but in the Jim Crow south and during the Civil Rights marches, I don’t recall blacks going around cutting off people’s heads, conducting suicide bombings, or saying that they wanted to kill all non-believers.

But, it seems that Michelle Obama feels that Muslims are somehow in the same situation as blacks were in the USA before the civil rights bill was passed.

Michelle Obama compared her struggle to succeed as a young black woman in America to the experience of British Muslim girls during a visit to in inner-city girls school in London.

The First Lady, who is visiting the UK for two days, and met with Prince Harry this morning, struggled to hold back tears as she gave an emotional speech to Mulberry School for Girls in London’s Tower Hamlets.

…She said: “Girls like you inspire me and impress me every single day.

“When I look out at all these young women, I see myself. In so many ways your story is my story.”

…Mrs Obama drew links between the experience of young black women in America to the struggles faced by British Muslim girls.

She said: “Maybe you see the news and see people talking about your religion, and wonder if anyone will ever see beyond your headscarf.”



  1. She will go down in history as the most racist lady ever to exist.
    Poor little thing , we paid her way through life , so stop the bitchin.

  2. Democrats created the Jim Crow laws so I guess Michelle would know.

  3. Muslims should not be allowed in this country.
    They are walking devil worshipers

  4. She is an idiot.

  5. Is she black or white. Hard to tell now a days.

  6. 18 months they will be evicted. See ya

  7. That's right moochele, everything is about you all the time isn't it?? You are mentally unstable, this country has paid out the ass for everything you have, your education, your housing, your clothes, all your vacations, and you have the nerve you ungrateful POS to tell Americans this is the first time you are proud of this great nation!
    You and your family are NOTHING BUT A DISGRACE to every American.

  8. She should stay in London.

  9. She loves the muslims so much, she should go live with them and don't bother coming back.

  10. Michelle is going to run as VP on the Clinton ticket!

    1. Good Clinton will be sure to lose. Everyone is tired of hearing from these fools.

  11. Exactly what struggles did she face as a young girl? Seems like she was able to obtain a good education and be accepted into a respected university.

    She is not old enough to have struggled in her youth.

  12. I didn't read the article. No point her name was attached so I no its more racist bs.


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