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Sunday, June 07, 2015

Maryland Schools Eligible to Elect Community Eligibility in the 2015-2016 School Year


  1. Maybe now Pinehurst and Beaver Run will be elevated above 3rd world status.People working in the schools are more aware of decline than the community is.Pinehurst had a really nice swimming pool that is no more and Beaver run had the sanitation issue....

  2. I'm surprised not a single Somerset Country school is listed.

  3. 9:40 I didn't notice that. I looked at Wicomico and Worcester County. I wonder why they are not eligible. Of all the schools in the state you would think they would get some type of help.

  4. 9:49 some type of help? so who's paying for this help? I think the taxpayer is already overburdened by paying for those who continue to want a free ride at the expense of those who are working. oh but that's right, it's for the children! how about we start cutting some of the supervisors and administrators of these districts to pay for another freebie!

  5. 10:17
    I agree we are already overburdened with taxes. My point was that of all the counties in Maryland, Somerset is one if not the poorest county. You would think they would get some type of assistance more than people in counties that make much more money. Most of the funding for this is coming from the Federal Government. I just get tired of paying taxes and it being used on other areas and this area being left out all the time.

  6. Parkside parents must make too much?

  7. Are there any schools that are NOT on this list? Geez

  8. All the schools in Somerset county may not be listed here but they all serve free meals during the school year AND they offer free meals in the summer to anyone who wanders in.

  9. Somerset County schools had free breakfast and lunch this past school year. love the idea, they spend our tax dollars on so much stupid stuff, I personally love the idea that all of the children in these participating schools will receive 2 meals. If we can feed our criminals why not our children who need the nourishment to thrive.

  10. 11:27, yeah salisbury christian, worcester prep, the country school and every catholic school in the state.

  11. If fewer than 100% qualify for the free meals, why give the meals to those who don't qualify? Are taxpayers just looking for ways to waste money?

  12. 11:27
    Pittsville is not on the list and neither is Parkside or Bennett High. This seems to be a list of schools you do NOT want your child to attend.

  13. Thanks for the information. I didn't know Somerset was already feeding two meals a day. I know people resent the expenditure but I look at it as an investment in the future. Properly fed children learn better and a better educated populace benefits everyone.

  14. If we are going to be forced to feed them at least they should cut the amount that they are given in food stamps. No sense paying double. If schools are forced to feed them healthy meals because kids are so fat why shouldn't the same thing be done with food stamps?

  15. If they are getting free breakfast and lunch at the school their food stamps should be cut in half. 21 meals a week and 10 of those are being paid for at school.


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