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Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Mark Levin: China's Hacking of U.S. Government Computers 'Is an Act of War'

Nationally syndicated radio host Mark Levin called China’s hacking into the U.S. government’s personnel computer system “an act of war.”

“This is an act of war. Our enemies are on the move, and we sit here, and we take it,” Levin said on his June 4 broadcast.

“We’re unilaterally disarming on every front with this pathetic excuse for a president. And the Republicans, they hand him all the power he wants."

“The Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal are reporting that the hacking into our government computer system, compromising the information of over 4 million--over 4 million federal workers--was the work of Chinese hackers. Now let me tell you something: the media in this country are a joke. It’s not Chinese hackers; it’s the Chinese government.

“You don’t have the ability to hack, to get on the Internet, to do this sort of thing in China unless they let you do it, unless they want you to do it, unless they direct you to do it. So, I’ll be so bold as to say: It’s the Chinese government.

“And the Chinese government has been doing this forever. Stealing our technology so it can build its missiles and put warheads on them. So it can build submarines. So it can build aircraft carriers. 'Oh that China, they’re so cutting edge.' No, they’re not. It’s another throwback massive police state. They steal the technology from us.

“'Oh well, let’s make sure they’re in Fast Track. We got to make sure China is part of Fast Track.' I said I’m for free trade—not with the enemy! Not with the enemy building islands 800 miles off their shore claiming the South China Sea, claiming the East China Sea. Threatening Vietnam, threatening the Philippines, threatening the Japanese and South Korea. Certainly threatening Taiwan, which they seek to devour.

More here


  1. Rabidness has no place in the media.

  2. Stop buying Chinese crap. I know this doesn't leave much but with some effort other sources can be found. China is our enemy, its way past time to stop pretending they are our ally.

    8:53 Truth does, you're just not used to seeing it.

  3. yup, there it is. another reason for war, real or imagined.


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