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Monday, June 22, 2015

Marc Kilmer: "The Daily Times does not understand the revenue cap"

The Daily Times does not understand the revenue cap. In a recent story, it wrote, "When new home sales plummeted, the...
Posted by Marc Kilmer, Wicomico County Council on Monday, June 22, 2015


  1. I'd guess that about 95% of Wicomico taxpayers think that the revenue cap is something wholly different than what it is. The recent Daily Times article isn't helping to improve the percentage of those who understand.

  2. Hell No! Obviously the person (kid reporter) at the DT doesn't understand the cap. That puppet newspaper needs to go..

  3. The difference between a tax cap and a revenue cap eludes many.

  4. in all reality, the Daily Times doesn't understand much...

  5. Thank you, Mr. Kilmer!

  6. Marc Kilmer better watch out, the Daily Times will go after him, especially that Phil Davis.

    Hey Phil Davis, the 1970's called and they want their hairdoo back!

  7. The revenue cap is there to stop government from behaving badly. Trust me you want the cap. All the people that complain about the cap are usually government officials that want more revenue. Long live the cap!


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