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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Marc Kilmer: Context missing in a recent Daily Times story on Wicomico education spending.

There's some context missing in a recent Daily Times story on Wicomico education spending. The story notes that Wicomico...
Posted by Marc Kilmer, Wicomico County Council on Thursday, June 11, 2015


  1. I'd love to see Mr Kilmer multiply 93 times 22 using Common Core Math

  2. I think he could do that without the Common Core concept. Thanks again Marc for the clarification, DT spun that one on its head!

  3. Anonymous said...
    I'd love to see Mr Kilmer multiply 93 times 22 using Common Core Math

    June 11, 2015 at 1:12 PM


    What do you mean? I get the fact that common core is a joke.

  4. Chuck Cook shared a copy of this Daily Times article blasting the Tea Party on Ron Willey resigning and the BOE not getting everything they asked for.

    This is what he wrote:

    "Elect Tea Party guys, you get Tea Party government. Who suffers? Kids, parents, and the county."

    Guess who liked his comment?
    Todd Dudek and Drumroll please..... Josh Hastings!

    Josh Hastings is the clown that campaigned on the lies that he wasn't a Democrat, that he is a Moderate Democrat, that he is an Independent and that he had to file as a Democrat, that he was a Republican and that he would switch affiliation to Republican if the would "get rid of Joe Albero!"

    Not only is Josh Hastings a lying Democrat he is a lose cannon. Anyone that supports Obama and follows Chuck Cook is a nut job.

  5. Josh Hastings surprise surprise. So Josh Hastings can't stand Tea Party officials? What does he like other than a Democrat?

  6. I wish the Council could and would explain in simple sentences to the BOE and Freddy the Freeloader, that this county is poor. There are no resources to fund the pie in the sky dream list Freddy and the BOE insists on demanding. Get out a chalkboard, or a piece of paper and draw them a picture of what no money in the budget looks like. And by picture, I don't mean a computer graph that is typically touted.

  7. If you ask me to buy you a Corvette so you will have enough of your own money to pay your child support, when I refuse to buy the car for you it's deliberately deceptive to accuse me of not caring about your children. Obvious attempts to mischaracterize the actions of someone who doesn't go along with board of ed requests is why the board of ed is seen as not being transparent.

  8. how do objecting to overtaxation and government regulation generate such hate?

  9. Typical BOE bending the truth so they can get more money. Glad the council saw through this BS.

  10. Anonymous said...
    If you ask me to buy you a Corvette so you will have enough of your own money to pay your child support, when I refuse to buy the car for you it's deliberately deceptive to accuse me of not caring about your children. Obvious attempts to mischaracterize the actions of someone who doesn't go along with board of ed requests is why the board of ed is seen as not being transparent.

    June 11, 2015 at 3:51 PM

    That was just a trick to con them into spending "one time funding" for the children. We are on to you dummies. Get another hobby. I am tired of wasting my money on those goons.

  11. Remember taxpayer it's for the children.

  12. If it's for the children, it's for the children who don't behave and who aren't learning. It's not for the children who know what school is for.

  13. Another sore loser posting on Chuck Cooks attack on the Tea Party concerning the Daily Times Article.

    Todd Dudek, Pete Evans, Josh Hastings like this.
    Tamara Lee-Brooks - Hmmm? I thought people would be happy with their choices? lol
    Like · Reply · Yesterday at 1:37pm

    Chuck Cook - Well, the Tea Party is happy. They think that educating our kids is "wasteful spending".
    Like · 2 · Yesterday at 1:38pm

    Tamara Lee-Brooks - Oh no...I'm talking about those who chose not to vote. I pray they're happy with their choices.
    Like · 3 · Yesterday at 1:40pm

    Oh so the sore loser who lost her token job is blaming it on the people that didn't show up to vote. How does she know who those are and were they really Democrats who WOULD have voted for Rick Pollitt. Well guess what! What about those Republicans that stayed home who would have voted for Bob Culver, John Cannon, Matt Holloway, Marc Kilmer, Joe Holloway and Larry Dodd??

    Tamara Lee-Brooks you should keep your silly ass opinions to yourself. You lost, you're unemployed because of the election and so are a lot of other people. It didn't just happen in Wicomico County it happened all over the United States because we are sick and tired of token jobs like yours. Guess what it's been over 6 months and the County PIO hasn't been replaced. Guess What!! It proves that your job wasn't needed so get over it.

    Tamara Lee-Brooks comment had 3 likes(Chuck Cook, Jackie Wellfonder and Ben Rayne)

    Yes the infamous Jackie Welfonder president of the Wicomico County Republican Club. And Ben Rayne husband of the wife behind the Jim Ireton phone scam. The woman who now represents the intergovernmental relations for the Coastal Association of Realtors. The same Ben Rayne that was given a job at NSCC by his buddy.

  14. At least Mr Kilmer is not afraid to let people know his feeings. Im sure the DT will play their tricks again with the next person that is not democrat.

  15. I don't always agree with him but at least he keeps us informed better than the others do!


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