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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Logan County Deputies Switch Uniforms To “Less Militant” Look

LOGAN COUNTY (KFSM) – The Logan County Sheriff’s Office announced on Saturday (June 6) that it would be changing uniforms for deputies to save money and present a “less militant” appearance.

Over the next few weeks, the office is transitioning from their current uniform to one that consists of an oxford shirt (white for day shift and black for night shift) and Levis/Wranglers jeans (or khakis).

Current uniforms for the law enforcement agency cost $150, but the new uniforms will cost less than $60, according to the sheriff’s office.

Sheriff Boyd Hicks said, “I want to keep a uniform and professional look while getting the biggest bang for our taxpayer dollars!”



  1. I wish salisbury would do this

  2. waste of time and money.

  3. Wicomico keeps spending on expensive leather jackets and stainless steel stars to look important on fox news.

  4. Like those goofy uniforms will help establish command of presence. Just keep giving in and eventually the morons will win but have nobody to protect them.


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