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Monday, June 22, 2015

Karl Rove Says the Only Way to Stop the Violence Is to Repeal Our Second Amendment

Apparently the only people Mr. Rove wants to have guns are criminals who commit mass shootings and the government
Apparently the only people Mr. Rove wants to have guns are criminals who commit mass shootings and the government.

WALLACE: How do we stop the violence?

ROVE: I wish I had an easy answer for that, but I don’t think there’s an easy answer

We saw an act of evil. Racist, bigoted evil, and to me the amazing thing is that it was met with grief and love. Think about how far we’ve come since 1963. The whole weight of the government throughout the South was to impede finding and holding and bringing to justice the men who perpetrated the [Birmingham] bombing.

And here, we saw an entire state, an entire community, an entire nation come together, grieving as one and united in the belief that this was an evil act, so we’ve come a long way.

Now maybe there’s some magic law that will keep us from having more of these. I mean basically the only way to guarantee that we will dramatically reduce acts of violence involving guns is to basically remove guns from society, and until somebody gets enough “oomph” to repeal the Second Amendment, that’s not going to happen.



  1. I am of the belief that the ONLY reason the thugs aren't running rampant and invading homes of citizens on a regular basis IS because they aren't sure who may have a firearm in the home.

  2. There is no option to repeal the 2nd. PERIOD. It is untouchable. Enforce your current laws idiot, before saying they don't work, and you need more.

    How many times do we have to watch a punk kid get ONE YEAR for illegal firearms, yet you want to remove mine?

    Guns are NOT the problem. Removing them will make criminals find a new weapon.... oh wait, they don't follow your laws anyway.

    The entire public sector needs a do over. They all suck.

  3. "...There is no option to repeal the 2nd. PERIOD. It is untouchable..."

    I am personally a supporter of our 2nd Amendment but to say that it can't be changed ignores the reality of our Constitution. ANY part of Constitution can be changed as long as the laws are followed (House/Senate majority, ratification by 3/4 of the states).

  4. This statement was taken out of context.....

  5. Prosecute the perpetrators. No hand smacking, but punish the guilty! Who knows, it could help. That they know how easy it is to get away with, is not a deterrent. Far cry from it. GUNS DON'T KILL, PEOPLE DO!

  6. finally a conservative that sees the light

  7. 1:19 Rove is no conservative, he's an establishment NWO RINO Republican. They would give up our constitutional freedoms in a heartbeat along with the communists (aka "progressives").

  8. And I say f**k Rove.

  9. Works well in Mexico where the cartels are armed to the teeth and the regular citizens are allowed a rifle to hunt with.

  10. If the people who wished to perpetrate violence could not get guns they would find another way to do it. Look at the countries who actually have gun bans. They throw acid in peoples faces. They throw bleach in their faces. They stab them. They blow them up. They run over them with cars.

    Someone who wants to harm someone else will find a way. They may be thinking that if the guns weren't available the violence would be less--as in nine people probably couldn't have been killed with a hammer without someone taking the hammer away from the dude. Or they could be thinking they would like to disarm the entire American public, which is what I think their plan entails. I think they would then perpetrate, or allow other countries to perpetrate, the violence themselves.

    Needless to say, I don't trust my elected leaders anymore. What is it about "absolute power and corruption?"


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