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Thursday, June 11, 2015


WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hackers stole personnel data and Social Security numbers for every federal employee, a government worker union said Thursday, charging that the cyberattack on U.S. employee data is far worse than the Obama administration has acknowledged.

Sen. Harry Reid, the Democratic leader, said on the Senate floor that the December hack into Office of Personnel Management data was carried out by "the Chinese." Reid is one of eight lawmakers who is briefed on the most secret intelligence information. U.S. officials have declined to publicly blame China, which has denied involvement.

J. David Cox, president of the American Federal of Government Employees, said in a letter to OPM director Katherine Archuleta that based on OPM's internal briefings, the hackers stole military records and veterans' status information, address, birth date, job and pay history, health insurance, life insurance, and pension information; age, gender, race data.



  1. Maybe the Chinese can tell us the truth about where Obama was borne. And, while they are at it, perhaps they can tell us how he acquired a Social Security number from a man in Connecticut that died in 1952. It's obvious that America's MSM refuses to pursue these facts.

  2. Maybe the Chinese can tell me way my tax refund at.

  3. 4:48 PM

    that is simple, he got the idea form his sister or half sister or who ever the f she is... On his mothers side, his half sister worked for the govt and knew the loopholes and showed him how to do it... and they all know once you are president they lock the documents up tighter than a gnats ass...

  4. Oh, yes, definitely the Chinese! AND, they have WMD's!

    Meanwhile, it's clear Mr. Snowden is still hard at work,just not in this country!

    And the only blame to be laid is on our own Government for not having just plain internet security for their own sites!

    And the only blame to be laid is on our own Government for not having just plain internet security for their own sites!

    And the only blame to be laid is on our own Government for not having just plain internet security for their own sites!

    NOW tell me that the FCC needs Net Neutrality or any other title they want to give Government control of our internet.

    Did Wal Mart get hacked? Brietbart? Fox? NBC? Gannett? Voting roles? IBM? Apple? Google?


    How stupid are you? Or gullible? I hope not.

    Write your congressman and women, even if they are ignant Dems with their noses up the butt of the big o.

  5. Boy we are so screwed. Our leaders are setting us up again..maybe this is another ploy to erode further freedoms in our on line world. Keep cheering fools ....think?


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