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Saturday, June 27, 2015

IRS erased Lerner emails even after subpoena: audit says

Up to 24,000 emails completely lost

The IRS erased backup takes with Lois G. Lerner’s emails even after the messages were subject to a congressional subpoena, but it was an “unbelievable” chain of coincidences rather than a malicious intent to subvert Congress, the tax agency’s inspector general said Thursday.

As many as 24,000 emails may have been permanently lost, but the inspector general has managed to recover about 1,000 messages from the tapes because the IRS only “degaussed” the tapes but didn’t destroy them.

Still, the move to erase the tapes after they had been requested by Congress didn’t sit well with Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz, who accused IRS chief John Koskinen of obstructing Congress‘ investigation into the emails and tea party targeting.

“They destroyed evidence. That’s what they did,” Mr. Chaffetz, Utah Republican, said.



  1. Ok, we know all about this. WTF is going to be done about it? Nothing! Yet and vet from California is fiscally forced into homelessness over a GD seat belt violation.
    Wake TF up America.

  2. Someone should have to pay for this crime.

  3. Government jobs are for people that can not make it in the real world.


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