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Friday, June 19, 2015

IRS Apologizes For Brushing Off House Republican With a Form Letter

The IRS has apologized to Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., after she received an unsigned form letter from the IRS in response to her request for an investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

Blackburn was furious at the response, and called it "unbelievably disrespectful" for a member of Congress to be brushed off in that way.

Blackburn wrote the IRS to say the agency should review the Clinton Foundation's tax-exempt status, after it was revealed that the foundation failed to report millions of dollars in donations from foreign governments.

In reply, the IRS sent a letter starting with "Dear Sir or Madam," which said the information she submitted would be considered.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen wrote Blackburn personally and said the form letter should have at least been signed.


1 comment:

  1. I hope she fights back. I totally believe that if left unchecked the Clintons and Obamas along with all the other liberals would take over. Rewriting history and our constitution.


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