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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

I'm In Serious Trouble


  1. If you say yes, you are not considered a terrorist by the government. You are just considered an idiot for believing this crap.

  2. You can add motorcycle owner / rider to that list. I read an article recently where the author interviewed a guy from homeland security on the fact that DHS has maintained a list of licensed motorcyclists since 1994. The justification being that a motorcyclist is 67% more likely to commit a crime than someone who doesn't ride. Most likely due to a personality that is not risk averse.

    So, if you ride, know that you are considered a Terrorist by the US Government.

  3. Correction, that was DOJ has maintained the list since 1994

  4. The government may be keeping a list of licensed motorcyclists; however, DHS did not come in being until March 2003.

  5. http://nationalreport.net/fbi-admits-registered-motorcycle-owners-classified-gang-list/

  6. If you have a encrypted cell phone you are considered a terrorist... Especially the new I phone 6...

  7. Joe, your screwed running a Media site that's not msm . Alternative sites like yours that tell the real truth is a no no. And so is everyone who follows and comments.


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