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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I Bet You Didn’t Know Ronald Reagan Was THIS MUCH of a Fan of the 2nd Amendment

It shouldn’t come as much of a surprise to anyone that Ronald Reagan was a fan of guns. But one author has now allegedly discovered a new fact that will have advocates of the 2nd Amendment cheering: Ronald Reagan actually carried a gun on him while he was president!

Ronald Reagan carried a gun with him at all times and stashed it in his briefcase whilst he was away on official business.

An American author has claimed that the former president never left the White House without a .38 caliber pistol by his side.

He even took it on Air Force One in case a disturbance broke out in mid-air said Brad Meltzer, who writes political thrillers.

… In an article in the New York Daily News, Meltzer said that on a tour of the Secret Service headquarters whilst researching his latest book, he came across the actual car door from the limousine where Reagan was shot.

Meltzer wrote: ‘It was an eerie keepsake for sure.

‘But not nearly as eerie as the next detail they told me. We were talking about Reagan and that day he was shot.



  1. Obama carries a pink squirt gun filled with Koolaid, and a box of Skittles.

  2. 10:44 That's because it matches panties.


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