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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Hurlock weighs legality of leaving seat vacant

HURLOCK — There’s an empty seat at the Hurlock Town Council where Parker Durham used to sit. That’s not his fault — he’s not allowed to fill it anymore since he has moved out of town. He resigned at the April 13 meeting. At the town’s May 26 meeting, Mayor Joyce Spratt reported that the consensus of the council was to leave the seat empty until the upcoming election in November.

She later pointed to how close the upcoming election is, asking why they would waste time by bringing in someone beforehand who knows nothing about the job. She said the town would have to advertise it, then go through the interview process, which would take more time.

Councilman Charles Cephas echoed that, saying that he and the other councilmen feel that because of the proximity of the pending election it would not be efficient or practical to appoint someone.

The charter of Hurlock reads that “in the event of a vacancy on the Council for any reason, the Council, by unanimous vote, shall appoint some person, qualified in accordance with Section 302, to fill such vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term.”



  1. It says "shall." They have to do it. Otherwise, they are conspiring to leave a part of the town unrepresented.

  2. Do stuff right! This is the problem with our country down to small municipalities........ Just change the rules as it suits them. If you allow this it will snowball. The town is already trashy.

  3. Delmar MD has two vacancies, What are they going to do?????

  4. The key to this dilemma is "by unanimous vote"..

  5. 4:45 - Hey genius: you didn't read the rest, so here it is -

    The charter goes on to specify that if the Council cannot reach a unanimous vote to appoint a person to fill the vacancy within two consecutive regular meetings, then the council shall appoint a person by majority vote from the list of responsive applicants to fill the vacancy at its next regular meeting.

  6. Spratt is as bad if not worse that Ireton and Barrie, and under Spratt Hurlock has become as big a cesspool as Smallsbury.

    First the Dollar General scam and now this.

  7. Rev. Cephas:

    What is "vague" about this - "the council shall appoint a person by majority vote from the list of responsive applicants to fill the vacancy"


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