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Monday, June 22, 2015

Huckabee Whacks 'Modern Myth' of Supreme Court

WASHINGTON – “The Supreme Court is not the Supreme Branch, and it is certainly not the Supreme Being,” emphasized GOP presidential candidate and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, in remarks provided exclusively to WND.

The remarks come from a letter the former Arkansas governor will distribute to conservative leaders and pro-family activists ahead of a crucial upcoming Supreme Court decision on whether to legalize same-sex marriage, due before the end of June.

Huckabee vowed to “refuse to sit silently as politically driven interest groups threaten the foundation of religious liberty, criminalize Christianity, and demand that Americans abandon Biblical principles of natural marriage.”

He observed that it is we the people, not one branch of government, who can ultimately decide what is the law of the land, and he promised “to reject judicial tyranny and fight for religious liberty,” while the country awaits the Supreme Court decision in Obergefell v. Hodges.



  1. They may not be a "supreme being" but they ARE the supreme arbiter of our laws and whether they pass Constitutional muster. They are a co-equal third branch of our government.

  2. When the Supreme Court decides to make a law which is against God's law that is when they lose their authority to make laws. At that point civil disobedience is required. After all in the past they ruled slavery was okay. They have said killing an innocent baby in the mother's womb is okay. Neither one is okay. Neither is homosexual marriage. Not only is it against God's law it is against nature itself. Liberals are destroying the moral fabric of our nation which unfortunately also affects the rest of the world.

    1. Well said, might I add the SCOTUS is like having your mother as the judge at your trial, biased by association and ideology.

  3. Does he understand this is about civil marriage not holy matrimony? It does not outlaw Christianity or force people to have a gay marriage.

  4. Mike Huckabee for President. I will never support that loser Romney!!


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