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Thursday, June 18, 2015

How to get $75k in benefits for you and a girlfriend. Just follow these proven steps

1. Don't get married to her.
2. Use your mom's address to get mail
3. The guy buys a house.
4. Guy rents out house to his girlfriend who has 2 of his kids.
5. Section 8 will pay $900 a month for a 3-bedroom home.
6. Girlfriend signs up for Obamacare so guy doesn't have to pay for family insurance.
7. Girlfriend gets to go to college for free being a single mother
8. Girlfriend gets $600 a month for food stamps
9. Girlfriend gets  free cell phone
10.Girlfriend get free utilities.
11. Guy moves into home but still has mail sent to mom’s house.
12. Girlfriend claims one kid and guy claims one kid on taxes. Now both get to claim head of household for $1800 credit.
13. Girlfriend gets disability for being "crazy" or having a  "bad back" for $1800 a month and never has to work again. 

This plan is perfectly legal and is being executed now by millions of people. A married couple with a stay-at-home mom gets 0 dollars.
An unmarried couple with stay-at-home mom nets $21,600 disability +  $10,800 free housing  + $6,000 free Obamacare + $6,000
free food + $4,800 free utilities + $6,000 pell grant money to spend + $12,000 a year in college tuition free from Pell grant + $8,800
tax benefit for being a single mother = $75,000 a  year in benefits.   

Any idea why our country is $18+ trillion in debt?

Oh, by the way, have a nice day and be sure you pay your taxes.


  1. Great idea, other than the fact that it is completely illegal to get governments benefits based on false information which appears to be each of the steps to millions posted here. Good try though

  2. That's SO annoying, despicable, etc., etc.! There are so many people taking advantage of the system that it seems so overwhelming that there may not be anything that can be done about it at this point. What's really bad is that there are folks who really deserve help and can't qualify because they work what they can and tell the truth on their applications.

  3. Makes me sick. Been a stay at home mom since kids were born. When we need extra money our budget doesn't allow for I go get a part time job. Stay home all day then go to work at night so there is no daycare expense.
    Do no live off the government. All of these people getting money for nothing.

    1. I don't understand it. You need to get what you can get from the government. You paid for it through taxes. It's free. Stop hating on those who truly don't deserve it. Just get yours for the sake of your kids.

    2. 2:00 People like you are the problem. "Everyone else is doing so should I"
      For the sake of my kids I am teaching them the right way. Not the lazy and easy way.

  4. This would be funny if it wasn't so true.
    And the fact that it's illegal, 9:58, sure doesn't slow it down, does it?
    Why would illegals risk their lives to get here?
    A big pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

  5. In order to get $1800/mo in disability, the girlfriend would have had to work at a substantially higher than minimum wage job for greater than 10 years... Meaning she's not likely to be going to college for free, or have young enough children to be able to collect extra TCA or housing credits... So no, this isn't particularly realistic

  6. I hope everyone doing this gets caught for lying. Seems as though liars are everywhere, everyday and they even want us to vote for liars. NO THANKS, I've heard enough lies and seen enough to last a life time.

  7. Not all of that is true.
    But with that said, I've given in. I'm tired of working my butt off for nothing, and am taking all I can get now. I always said I never would. But,with obombma, I've seen enough, and take what ever I qualify for. And have cut a few things here and there, to make sure I qualify for more, than by busting my butt and making less.

  8. 2:00
    Somehow I don't think you are putting in as much taxes as you want to take out. That is the problem with liberals they think they are owed something. Karma will always come around and bite you in the butt. Watch for it. It's coming!

  9. You guys do realize that the best way to balance the budget is to go back to when we had over 1/3 of our tax income as a country coming from high corporate taxes, right? The 1950s era you all pine for was funded almost exclusively by high taxes on corporations, yet you continue to vote for candidates who do nothing but attempt to glean even less in tax income from these corporations, b/c the corporations own them. How do you guys not see this? Are you really that dumb? Is Fox News that effective?


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