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Friday, June 26, 2015

‘Hitlery’ Clinton Launches Gun Grab Campaign

Supports President Obama’s calls to further infringe on the Second Amendment


  1. I used to think she was hot. Not so much anymore.

  2. Come and take them BIATCH

  3. There are enough gun control laws already on the books most of which only affect the law-abiding sportsman and not the criminals who are the intended target. These existing laws need to be enforced to their full affect on those who break them.

  4. Sorry, folks, as much as I disagree with Hitlerry, I have to say that this time I have to fully agree with her. We DO need "Common Sense Gun Legislation" once and for all!

    There is only one thing we can legislate that fully encompasses common sense, and that is to get rid of any and all laws, limitations, restrictions, and bans from the past except for one:

    "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

    That one has the common sense to stop the loonies. They will soon make themselves extinct.


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