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Saturday, June 06, 2015

Hillary to Call for Expanded Early Voting in All States

Hillary Clinton will call Thursday for a national standard of at least 20 days of early in-person voting and for states to include nights and weekends in their extended voting hours, her campaign said Wednesday.

Clinton will also call on Congress to act quickly to reverse a 2013 Supreme Court ruling allowing nine southern states to change their voting laws without federal approval, and for the adoption of recommendations put forward last year by President Barack Obama’s bipartisan commission on election administration.

Her comments will come in a speech at Texas Southern University in Houston honoring the late Barbara Jordan, a Democratic U.S. representative and civil rights activist.

Clinton and other Democrats argue that Republicans are trying to make it harder for minorities to vote, since they’re more likely to cast ballots for Democrats.



  1. Why does she matter?

  2. I'll tell you what: that lady sure is forward thinking. What an important issue facing our country, and Hillary is all over it. She's a regular Margatet Thatcher, she is.

  3. She belongs in a prison cell.

  4. Come on...you have to give ineligible people, dead people and illegals MORE time to cast their fraudulent votes!
    Ad I find it endlessly amusing and pathetic that if I want to rent a beach umbrella in Ocean City I have to provide a ...WHAT??? Photo ID...how outrageous!! I can vote without showing I am a citizen...how about that umbrella now....

  5. anyone who follows and listens to hillary has got to be incompetant

  6. Compromise by having the early voting and a photo ID.

  7. Just like a democrat, has to have an early vote to lock in that vote so the voter doesn't have time to read, listen to others, or ask questions before placing their vote. An early vote means a locked in vote so when the other shoe drops, and bad news comes out about a candidate, the vote is already in the bag.

    I don't think it is a good idea for early voting just for that reason. A good voter needs time to process the candidates and study their agenda's before going to the poll. Make your vote count and waste the privilege.

  8. Anonymous said...
    I'll tell you what: that lady sure is forward thinking. What an important issue facing our country, and Hillary is all over it. She's a regular Margatet Thatcher, she is.

    June 6, 2015 at 11:09 AM

    She's a regular Margatet Thatcher??

    WTF is that??

  9. We've had early voting for years and it costs tax payers hardly anything.

    It's called mailing in an absentee ballot! Wake up America and quit wasting our hard earned tax money.


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