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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Hillary Embraces Union that Spurned Her in ‘08

Endorses SEIU fast food agitation

Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton has signed onto the Service Employees International Union-backed fast food worker movement, as she tacks further to the left in the Democratic primaries.

Clinton called into a SEIU-sponsored fast food workers forum on Sunday to express her support for raising the starting wage at establishments such as McDonald’s to $15 per hour. The SEIU has bussed in demonstrators across the country to participate in strikes outside of McDonald’s locations. Clinton pledged to carry their banner.

“Thank you for marching. … We need you out there,” she said, according to Politico. “I want to be your champion. I want to fight with you every day.”

Clinton’s embrace of the $15 wage—more than double the federal minimum wage of $7.25—could have major consequences for the economy.

Fred Wszolek of the Workforce Fairness Institute said that the $15 starting wage follows the Democrats’ record of passing legislation injurious to small businesses and the economy.

“Americans shouldn’t accept lectures on economic inequality from politicians who jet around the world on private planes collecting quarter million dollar checks for giving speeches,” he said. “Democrats wouldn’t listen when business owners warned that the Obamacare mandate would kill the 40 hour workweek, but it surely has. And now they won’t listen when we warn that a $15 an hour minimum wage will kill entry-level jobs, but it surely will.”



  1. When you see two people protesting for $15/hr ask them which one is going to work twice as hard as they are now and which one is going to quit.

  2. the $50 pizzas r right around the corner

  3. Once they vote for her she'll leave them flat. Look at her history. She's NEVER done a thing for anyone, only for herself.
    She talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk. Never has, never will.


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