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Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Governor Hogan Announces “Maryland Unites: Day of Service”

State Employees Will Receive Four Hours of Paid Leave

Governor Hogan today announced “Maryland Unites: Day of Service,” an initiative for state employees to offer their time and talents to benefit our citizens through community service. This opportunity stems in part from the outpouring of kindness and good will from Maryland citizens following acts of destruction in Baltimore City last month.

“In the past few weeks, I have witnessed incredible acts of kindness and volunteerism from members of a community who truly care for one another,” said Governor Hogan. “Maryland Unites: Day of Service is about continuing that spirit of giving back and sharing it with Baltimore City and our local communities.”

As part of the day of service, state employees will receive four hours of paid leave to participate in an accredited 501 (c)(3) of their choice. In addition, Governor Hogan’s Executive Cabinet will coordinate a volunteer event for employees at their respective agencies. Agency employees who would like to take part in the Day of Service effort will have the option to participate in the agency event or a volunteer activity of their choice. The following dates have been selected for Maryland Unites agency-wide efforts:
Wednesday, June 17
Wednesday, July 1
Wednesday, July 15
Wednesday, July 29
Wednesday, August 12
Wednesday, August 26

For more information about Maryland charities, please visit www.marylandunites.com.


  1. So taxpayers are forced to pay for this "outreach"! Volunteer and clean up the trash on your own time, not mine!

  2. Like to add also having to pay they will never verify who does and where so that is a discriminatory act. Everybody or nobody.


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