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Friday, June 26, 2015

Gov. Hogan announces funding for a fully-dualized Route 404

ANNAPOLIS — Gov. Larry Hogan has fully funded the dualization of state Route 404, announcing $160 million to make the entire route a four-lane divided highway.

Hogan made the announcement Thursday during a press conference on funding for transportation and mass transit projects throughout the state.

The funds will be used to fully dualize Route 404 from U.S. Route 50 in Talbot County through Queen Anne's County and to the Denton Bypass in Caroline County.



  1. Score one for the shore! Kinda.

  2. Screw a road how about more money for retirees?

  3. Ban all cars...they contribute to Climate Change...

  4. What about finishing RT 113??

  5. No don't do that. We will miss all the accidents and people getting killed. Use the money on a bike lane or a third Friday or something. Something much more important than getting tourons to the beach quickly and safely. Screw them. Who needs their money and attitudes.

    1. All the bars and art galleries need that money. Old jimbo hides underneath Hogan's desk.. God forbid Hogan brings jobs to the Shore!

  6. If McDermott was senator we would have seen the same thing for US 113...payback to you Jimbo you slime ball.


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