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Monday, June 08, 2015

GOP Senators Mum On Reading Of Obamatrade

At least two leading Republicans – Majority Whip Steve Scalise and Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions – won’t say whether they’ve read the text of the trade deal they support that’s being pushed by President Obama, leading some to wonder if the massive Trans Pacific Partnership is about to go the way of Obamacare, when the mantra was to pass it to see what was in it.

In March 2010, then-Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi made national headlines for pressing for approval of Obamacare despite the fact congressional members hadn’t had time to read the massive text, telling her colleagues and the nation “we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it,” various media reported.

Breitbart asked Scalise and Sessions, both of whom reportedly support Obama’s fast-track request, if they’ve read the bill that’s been dubbed Obamatrade. And their response? Breitbart reported they refused to say.

The news outlet reported numerous other Republicans have refused to admit whether they’ve read the text of the bill, including Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. Lindsey Graham and House Speaker John Boehner.

“It is unforgivable for the Republican majority to shirk its congressional duty and refuse to read the text of a bill that will give Obama unprecedented authority over our economy,” said Daniel Horowitz, the senior editor of Conservative Review, as reported by Breitbart.



  1. I keep telling you --- they don't represent anyone but the ones who give them MONEY.
    YOU are NOT on that list. They need your vote, but don't want your input, complaints, or suggestions. That includes "your guy", believe it or not.

    Toe the line and shut up.
    Keep cheering.

  2. Andy harris has not answered that question to me in over 3 weeks. How about it, Andy?

  3. It's time for change and I'm not talking about an election, either.


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