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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Frontspiece, Rudyard Kipling book, copyrighted 1898

Just as an example, Kipling, living in India, where it has ancient meaning, uses the swastika over 30 years before Adolf took it for his own.


  1. This is the eastern version of the swastika with the points facing in a counterclockwise direction. The swastika used by the Nazis had points facing in the clockwise direction. But you are correct, forms of the swastika have been used for many purposes for thousands of years. Hell, even rainbows symbolized good things at one time in the past.

  2. interesting. what was the meaning of the swastika at that time?

  3. Few bloggers are into this bs insignia know one cares about.

  4. Kipling used the left facing swastika because it was a symbol of good luck.

  5. I was in Laos and Thailand in the 1960's and they were a common sight. I was told that they have been around for probably 12,000 years and the word "svastika" is Sanskrit for Good Fortune or Good Luck. The symbol was used by Hindus, Buddhists and a few other eastern religions.

  6. The swastika has been a good luck symbol for a very long time I found an early boy scout coin with it on the back. I have seen the symbol used on American Indian rugs. These uses only go back to about the turn of the 20th Century and shortly after. It was used long before that. Hitler ruined the positive aspects. I am not going to support the modern use of the swastika. But it might be that three centuries from now people will think differently about it as time, as it always does, dims human memories.

    Nobody will ever think differently about the bars and stars, a beautiful design, but one that was produced specifically for the states that started and fought the war against our United States.It has no redeeming history before that rebellion and none after.


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