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Friday, June 12, 2015

Former Maryland Delegate Announces Bid For Congress

GRASONVILLE, Md. (AP) — Former Del. Michael Smigiel says he’s running for Maryland’s 1st District congressional seat.

The Cecil County Republican announced Wednesday at a Kent Island restaurant that he will challenge incumbent Rep. Andy Harris. The district includes the Eastern Shore and parts of Baltimore, Carroll and Harford counties.

Smigiel says some have been concerned that Harris was disconnected from the district and too open to compromise.



  1. Vote Andy Harris because he truly represents our part of the district.

  2. Andy will spank him. He already lost his Delegate seat in a spanking so what makes him think he is going to beat Andy.

    He is a real jerk anyway!

  3. Andy and I disagree on Government control of the internet for our safety, or Net Neutrality being the latest moniker. The Gov't gets hacked every day and doesn't need control.

    He's also never, after 2 requests, let me know if he's read the Top Secret trade agreement and whether or not he's going to lobby to let We, the People read it before it shoved up our arses.

    I like Mike Smeigel, but he's going to have to answer these questions as well.

  4. Word on the shore is a big money redneck is getting together with Smiegel to "Brat"-ize Andy Harris.

  5. As in Dave Brat, the Professor who beat that weasel fluffed of Boehner


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