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Thursday, June 25, 2015


The New Black Panther leader whose party at one point offered a $10,000 reward for George Zimmerman, “dead or alive,” before Zimmerman was acquitted of all charges in Trayvon Martin’s death, now is rhapsodizing about the possibility of violence against “slave masters” in connection with the murders of nine people at a church in Charleston, South Carolina.

At a rally there on Tuesday, Malik Zulu Shabazz called for the completion of the mission of Denmark Vesey, a slave who strategized to kill slave masters nearly two centuries ago when the church where the nine were murdered was being founded.

Breitbart reported that Shabazz also played a “prominent role in the Baltimore and Ferguson uprisings,” and now heads a group called Black Lawyers for Justice.


  1. now who is keeping racism alive?

  2. Arrest him for inciting a riot.

  3. Malik and Barack. Wonder what Malik's real name is? I'm guessing Barry.

  4. You realize the FBI has been essentially running the black panther's for decades, right?

  5. They think they want a race war. How sad. They are what, 15% of the population with probably .2% of the wealth. Good luck with that. See you in hell yo...

  6. This country will be pulled apart from the inside before anyone like Isis could even get to us. Sad.

  7. if you don't see it coming you better wake up the race war is just around the corner when you have people like this and MSM just bating people instead of telling how it is just to and sell papers hope you all ready for the next civil war

  8. S#%t I'd hunt Zimmerman for 5,000

  9. The slave masters are already dead.
    They died a long time ago.

    I'm white, but I don't have any slaves. I never have.
    I don't believe in it.

    If they do want to go after the people who are oppressing blacks, they could start at the Big House.

    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

  10. nobody pays attention to peace. so hate mongers must be a natural part of life.


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