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Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Federal Judge Refuses To Toss John Boehner’s Obamacare lawsuit

A federal judge resisted the administration’s quest Thursday to kill the House GOP’s lawsuit over Obamacare, lending weight to Speaker John A. Boehner’s effort to have the courts step in to referee the simmering separation of powers feud between Congress and President Obama.

U.S. District Judge Rosemary M. Collyer, presiding in Washington, pushed back against the Justice Department’s argument that the courts don’t have a role to play in refereeing the fight.

“You don’t really believe that, do you?” she told administration attorney Joel McElvain.

The exchange set the tone for a hearing in which the judge frequently interrupted the lawyer, and even joked toward the end that she had been too hard on him.


1 comment:

  1. "Mr. McElvain said if Mr. Boehner and his fellow Republicans don’t like Mr. Obama’s interpretation of the Affordable Care Act, they should pass a law that expressly forbids the administration from spending the money or find some other political remedy rather than running to the courts."

    This is an example of why a month back the Congress had to put in the abortion language in the human trafficking bill. Remember everyone was complaining about the Republicans putting in the bill not to fund abortions. Everyone (Democratic Liberals) was saying the language was unnecessary. This proves how wrong they were. Trusting Obama to follow the rules is like asking the Clintons to quit whoring for cash.


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