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Saturday, June 06, 2015

FEC Attempts to Strong-Arm Anti-Hillary Group

Stop Hillary PAC on Tuesday responded to federal regulators’ attempts to force the group to change its name with a simple declaration: “No.”

The Federal Election Commission told the group, a super PAC that opposes Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, that it had to choose a different name in order to make clear that it is not affiliated with Clinton’s campaign.

Stop Hillary PAC said that the concern was laughable. It responded with a sternly worded and at times humorous letter declaring that the FEC’s interpretation of relevant regulations would “suppress citizens’ First Amendment rights to engage in robust political speech.”

Given the “hundreds of clowns who file to seek that office every 4 years,” and the thousands more who seek other federal offices, political groups cannot be expected to avoid any uses of their names, Stop Hillary said.

It further suggested that if citizens confuse the anti-Clinton super PAC with the presidential candidate’s campaign committee, the latter should be the one forced to change its name, having registered with the FEC after Stop Hillary PAC did so.

The exchange began with a Monday letter from the FEC.


  1. Gonna start the i hate Hillary pac..see how they like that

  2. Where do I donate?

  3. "“As this Committee filed its Form 1 well before any known current federal candidate named Hillary registered with the Commission, we invite any such candidate to make any necessary name changes to alleviate whatever apparent confusion has befuddled the Commission,” it wrote."



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