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Sunday, June 07, 2015

Farm Truck?

It's kind of interesting how many "Farm Trucks" I see running around on the highways. The one above is especially interesting as it has a volunteer fire department light bar on the top.

Now I ask all of you, aren't there restrictions as to what you can and can't do with a vehicle tagged with Farm Truck tags?


  1. So many miles from the farm its allowed. In Delaware these small towns make it possible to drive your farm truck around.

  2. Can't be as bad as all the vehicles I see with handicap parking permits at Walmart.

  3. Its in everyone's best interest to leave them farm trucks alone.

  4. I bet he is running dyed fuel that road taxes have not been collected on as well.

    Don't get me started on oversize equipment being moved on our highways with no escort.

    1. No crap! Rt 50 is terrible. Side roads are worse! Make farmers due like construction companies and break down these beasts and transport them. These farmers have fields all over the county and drive their crap around. I saw a forklift from wrights market on rt 50. A forklift! Smdh.

    2. A forklift is not exempt from the registration requirements in the state of maryland regardless if its used on a farm.

  5. 9:23 what about all the jerks that park next to the store entrance in the Fire Lane. You can hardly get in the Food Lion on Nanticoke Rd for all the idiots that are parked there.

  6. What about all the people running around in Maryland with historical tags?

    1. More like hysterical tags in some cases.

  7. A farmer who's a fire fighter, you're right, he should use two separate vehicles.

    1. Why? Typically the FD is within a few miles of their home...why does he need to have 2 vehicles? So if he is out on the farm and the alert goes off that your house is on fire, he should switch vehicles before he goes to the fire house to ride a piece of equipment that will put out the fire that may be ripping through your home? Good Idea, I vote for you for president!!

    2. It's called "sarcasm" 3:35.

  8. Don't farmers have to deal with enough bs, without this?

    1. You mean like .....Farm Subsidies?

  9. why is it in everyone's best interest 09:24 as it is now in MD you have to show you have a farm with an income to even tag you veh. as a farm use veh. and if they not using it for the farm then reg like everyone elce and quit trying to get other people to pay your reg for you

  10. don't forget Maryland Historic tags on vehicles that obviously are used for everyday transportation.

  11. Many farmers are volunteer firefighters.

  12. Really, you people are a trip. Nothing better to do then complain about a farm tag?? Really.

  13. No farms no food at all. A farm vehicle is to be used for farm business. And, farmers do have business outside of the acreage that they tend, to go get chemicals, feed, fuel, lawyers, accountants, equipment, etc. as long it is documented, it is really no one else's business Farmers don't need your approval. Again, no farm no food.

  14. I have seen DE farm truck plated vehicles on the western shore. Surely, that is not within the mileage allowed for 'farm' trucks.

    1. No, but they could be there on farm business. The MD Dept of Ag is on the western shore and a lot of meetings held requiring farmers to attend are usually held on the western shore.

  15. Maryland Historic tag regulations use to be a minimum of 25 years and they dropped it to 20 years. As a car enthusiastic I dislike seeing a 1995 car on the road with those plates. It's kind of a slap in the face of those of us that have persevered a classic.

  16. How about it is a warning light for when he is towing a piece of ag equipment?

  17. Also remember most farmers get loads of tax breaks, and government subsidies. Then they get a "Farm Use Only" tag for $1 and abuse that! What on earth is their truck doing at Food Lion, Walmart, Chili's, Kohls, I see them at a lot of non-farming places! They should only be used to go to Tractor Supply, Ace, John Deere dealers, ect.

  18. OMG so as i see it if you don't get your farm tag i don't get no food i dont think if you have to pay that 186.00 every 2 years you are going to quit farming get tired of farmers complaining about everything when gov give them a lot in tax brakes and subsidies

  19. 11:53- ever heard of the farm to store program?

  20. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Can't be as bad as all the vehicles I see with handicap parking permits at Walmart.

    June 1, 2015 at 9:23 AM


    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    don't forget Maryland Historic tags on vehicles that obviously are used for everyday transportation.

    June 1, 2015 at 10:14 AM

    So? Historic tags just mean it's an old car, like 20 years.

    You shitty dwellers just like to bitch. We all have to eat and these farmers have to work and go to field to field to grow the food we eat. You think it magically shows up on shelves?

    I'm more concerned with left lane hogs and tailgaters than I am somebody just trying to do their job.

  21. You know with having 90% of our farmers vanish from the face of American soil over the past 100 years one would think Americans would be more willing to stand by what little farmers we have left. Instead we continue to push more regulations on them. As if they don't have enough problems tring to compete in a global economy with millions of tons of produce being poured into this country from countries that do not regulate farming.
    We as a country have bankrupted and ran our farmers out of business only to be held hostage at the grocery store with high prices and produce coming from God knows where. yet here we are complaining because a farmer is driving his truck on the road? Really?

    I Wonder what you people will complain about when all our farms are gone and we have to rely on China to feed us?

  22. An "FT" tag in Delaware is used by farmers with no restrictions on vehicle use. This differs from the "Farm Use Only" tag which does have restrictions. Farmers are out there on the roadways trying to do their job safely and that job is feeding everyone. Even those who gripe about farming operations. Farmers pay taxes, fees, licensing costs etc. The next time you are on the road with a farm vehicle, slow down and give the guy a chance to get to his destination.

  23. we ate just fine before farm tags...we will still fine without them. get over your pompous poor little me (farmer) syndrome. some of the wealthiest people I know are poor farmers!

  24. More and more Md cars have Historic plates these days because no restrictions whatsoever are enforced.Who knows how many millions the MVA loses each year because of it? The restrictions are agreed to by the car owner and then immediately ignored afterward & the car resumes being driven daily.

  25. Poor ole Farmers!! That Dodge from what I can tell just by the exhaust pipe is a diesel, probably a crew cab meaning at least a $60,000 truck brand new and not too much less in used condition either. If a "poor farmer" can afford that he can afford the registration!

  26. Can stand up for the farmer all you want, but the reality is people abuse these tags and it is well known. I've seen them on Lincoln Navigators and brand new Explorers, usually the farmer's wifes vehicle.

  27. It is stupid to allow these farmers to get all of these breaks just because they raise chickens for Purdue. They should pay for tags just like the rest of us. I have to pay for mine, and I work, I don't get a break. I go to the grocery store and I have to pay inflated prices to help cover all of the gimmes that farmers get.

    1. Oh shut the hell up, if you knew what you were talking about it would be one thing but you are as ignorant as they come. Perdue has nothing to do with farm tags or getting farm tags. Go back across the bridge, you're to stupid to live here.

  28. But everyone needs to mind their Business And not everyone elses

  29. 9:23,I'm with you,seen a new Porsche at Sam's in a handicap spot,total BS!

  30. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Can stand up for the farmer all you want, but the reality is people abuse these tags and it is well known. I've seen them on Lincoln Navigators and brand new Explorers, usually the farmer's wifes vehicle.

    June 1, 2015 at 2:35 PM

    You don't think the mva knows what vehicle the tags go on when they register the vehicle and issue the tags?

    Why don't you do what 325 says and mind your own damn business? Or is it because some farmers have better vehicles than you? With all the crap going on in the world you are worried about someone's tags?

    Take you sorry asses back to the city and worry them people. I hope you all get stuck behind a slow moving manure truck and it leaks. You might even see some family members you haven't seen for a while.

  31. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:23,I'm with you,seen a new Porsche at Sam's in a handicap spot,total BS!

    June 1, 2015 at 4:25 PM

    people who drive high-end cars cannot be handicapped?

  32. Only 1 person had a clue about this tag. A FT tag has no restrictions. MD also has a FT tag with no restrictions. MD also has a K tag for a farm area vehicle, which allows a 25 mile radius travel for farm related business. This business can mean buying lunch from food lion, or supplies from wal-mart.

  33. 6:48 PM

    and it must have been you right

  34. Ok....here's the law:

    § 13-921. Single unit (two or more axles): Class E (truck) vehicles -- Farm truck registration

    (a) "Farm truck" defined. -- In this section, "farm truck" means a farm vehicle that:

    (1) Is a Class E (truck) vehicle; and

    (2) Has a shipping weight of its chassis and battery, as certified by the manufacturer, of more than 3/4 ton.

    (b) Application for registration. -- On application, the Administration shall issue a Class E "farm truck registration" to any applicant who certifies:

    (1) That the applicant is a farmer; and

    (2) That the vehicle for which the application is made is a farm truck, specifying its proposed use.

    (c) Annual fee. -- For each vehicle registered under this section, the annual registration fee is based on the maximum gross vehicle weight, as follows:

    Maximum Gross Weight Fee (per 1,000 Pounds
    Limit (in Pounds) or Fraction Thereof)
    10,000 (minimum) -- 40,000 $ 5.00
    40,001 -- 65,000 (maximum) $ 5.25

    (d) Prohibited uses -- Vehicle for hire. -- Except as provided in § 8-602(c) of this article, a vehicle registered under this section may not be used:

    (1) For hire except to haul farm products for another farmer; or

    (2) In any manner other than as a farm truck.

  35. Unless you are a farmer or any of the people you are complaining about you probably do not have any clue of what it's like to work 20 hrs. A day or have to struggle to walk 50' and take 15 min to do so myself I'm not a farmer but know plenty of them I'm not disabled ether but I also know some that are so quit your b****en unless you are sure that they are really taking something from you and if you can't stand having to drive behind them as they feed you well leave on Fri.e not 10 min late and if you hate that they had the right to park in a wheelchair parking spot thank them for fighting for your freedom to go to Walmart in your PJs worry about yourself.

  36. I must chime in about this .
    We have so many laws and rules , how in the hell does anyone expect to enforce these? The cops can't even make an arrest for the important things!
    Then again maybe , just maybe the cops should start enforcing these minor violations , if nothing else , they won't get hurt. Let me see , hire 85 more police officers to respond to the minor offenses .
    Now in Baltimore , it would be a little different , everyone has a handicap sticker , no farm tags , however , they do grow weed or pot in the back yards.

  37. You know, some people only have 1 vehicle and if it's a farmer then the farm tag goes on that truck.

  38. the real problem is how much these STATEs charge us to drive on roads. get away with what you can

  39. Well, it IS planting season.

    NAW! That couldn't have anything to do with it, could it?

  40. Peace in the Park AKA PALSJune 7, 2015 at 4:57 PM

    BAN ALL FARMS...They Contribute to Climate Change...

    Meet us at Salisbury Park so we can tell you about Climate Change as we tap drums.

    and How well President Obama will help us!

    1. Ban all farms? You're an idiot.

  41. How about all the people who live in Salisbury and have Delaware tags. Why do they do that and is it legal?

  42. None of your business. Some people have homes in more than 1 state and can have vehicles registered wherever they want.


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