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Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Earthquake Hits Iranian Nuclear Plant

Magnitude-4.4 quake hits Bushehr nuclear plant, which is currently Iran’s only operational plant.

A 4.4 magnitude earthquake struck just 110 kilometers (70 miles) northwest of Iran’s Bushehr on Monday morning, rattling the Islamic regime’s only operational nuclear plant.

No damage or injuries were initially reported, according to the Associated Press.

The center of the earthquake was located in the town of Emam Hassan, reported by Iran’s official IRNA news agency, and the shaking began around 4:30 a.m. local time.

The Bushehr plant is built to hold up even in earthquakes up to a magnitude of 8 on the Richter scale.

It was built with Russian aid and became operational in 2011.



  1. I think GOD is trying to say something very important. Are we listening?

    1. give me a break. so every time theres an earthquake, tsunami, snow storm, heat wave, flood etc etc is god trying to say something "very important"? i suppose all the scientists that have figured out the cause/reasoning for why these events happen are totally wrong. it wasnt the tectonic plates and faults in the earths crust, it was god!!! damn scientists got it all wrong.

  2. 101-Do you think the Earth is like a snow globe, and God shakes it up? Pass me whatever you're indulging in, please!

  3. It's about as plausible as some of the other myths some people believe. But funnier!

  4. To 1:03 and 1:07, Read your BIBLE if you can read.

    1. nice, someone who follows god, talking down to another. what if he/she cant read because they were blinded at a young age? gods fault. maybe they arent blind, but cant read because of some other disability. gods fault again. or maybe their teachers sucked and didnt take the time to teach them how to read. gods fault!!

  5. 1:01 doesn't even know if HE is listening. "Are WE listening . . ."

    What a dope.

  6. Hey 1:01, there is a bush on the side of your house which is on fire.

  7. The radiation from the Japan earthquake is still being dumped today. We will not be told of the extent of the problem ever. We will have to die from radiation before we know. Man is destroying this planet. We are literally pooping in our own beds. No matter what your religious belief system is....your are going to need it in the end.

  8. 5:15 No we don't.

  9. 1:01-sure he's trying to tell us something,but unfortunately we are humans.The majority of us wouldn't get it if we tripped over it.We are the only species in the universe that cannot merely accept God's will and leave it at that.We reason why he IS'NT totally in control for some stupid reason.In other words we are our own worst enemy and always will be.


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