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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Defiant Texas Man Nails 6-foot Wooden Confederate Flag to Building Across From County Courthouse

“I see it as the Southern heritage," said David Fenoglio, who's not taking down the flag.

A Texas man who nailed a 6-foot wooden Confederate flag to a building across from the Montague County Courthouse refused on Monday to take it down even though leaders throughout the South had called for the removal of offensive Civil War-era symbols.

After Republican Gov. Nikki Haley change course on Monday and called for the Confederate battle flag to be removed from the South Carolina statehouse grounds, a Mississippi lawmaker called for the symbol to banned from his state’s flag and lawmakers in Tennessee said that they wanted the bust of a Ku Klux Klan leader removed from the Tennessee statehouse.

But David Fenogilo told KAUZ that he had no intention taking down a 6-foot wooden flag that he had nailed to a building across the street from the county courthouse. Affixed on the flag are the words, “Heritage, Not Hate.”



  1. This flag frenzy has turned into hysteria.
    People need to take a deep breath and get a grip.
    As people capitulate to these emotional demands, the demands are increasing.

  2. These tyrants will never stop, you can never satisfy them. They will never be happy until everyone is as miserable as they will always be.

  3. Actually, for those creating the problems;
    Stop, breath and leave our country!

  4. there desire is to fundamentally transform our country. remember before they were elected they told us

  5. Don't let them change your focus! Watch the REAL current events. The clock is ticking.

  6. Maybe if they had not stood silently when their symbol was co opted by groups bent on hate and oppression. Too late now for the heritage excuse.


  8. Its a Traitors flag

  9. your an idiot 12:14!! ignorance will get you no where in life...oh that's probably where your at now!


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