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Sunday, June 21, 2015

County Maintains Water-Based Festival Not Permitted, But Organizer Still Planning Event

BERLIN – County officials say the Boaters Aid Music Festival planned for Fourth of July weekend will not be taking place following the organizer’s failure to receive approval from Worcester County.

Although organizer Allen Barzak received a permit from Maryland’s Department of Natural Resources (DNR) for the three-day festival planned for the Isle of Wight Bay, he did not get the needed permits from Worcester County.

“These are not just bureaucratic regulations,” said Bob Mitchell, the county’s head of environmental programs. “These are rules designed to protect the public.”

Ed Tudor, director of development review and permitting for Worcester County, said Barzak would have needed a zoning permit as well as approval from the Worcester County Health Department.

“He does not have any local approvals,” Tudor said.



  1. The page to buy tickets on mdtix.com has been taken down.

  2. In other words...

    Not everyone has gotten their slice of the pie yet.

    "Approval" = "give us money".

  3. So much for business friendly....

  4. Protect the public....from what?

  5. Bob Mitchell what a joke---The previous commissioners merged that dept in with Ed Tudor's department to save money. Mr. Tudor has always proven that he works within his budget and each year has found ways to cut his budget and still get the work done. For some crazy reason the commissioners divided the department back and spend thousands of dollars remodeling the third floor of the county offices and this year Mitchell asked for an assistant--not sure if it was approved or not. Merge the department back and save some more money1!!

  6. Give the bureaucrats a little authority and they think they rule the world. I have gotten to the point where I HATE government employees.

  7. Why is Worcester county involved in a concert on the water? it was my understanding that the whole event was to take place on the water after they turned him down for use of the park just off route 90. This whole thing smells fishy to me!!

    1. No official likes it when you out smart em.if you do,be ready for wrath that comes with it.

  8. Chris is this the best you got? You and P think you know everything and you both still cannot get the facts right. Yeah, lets dump hundreds if not thousands of folks in the bay with no plan and see what happens.

  9. @ 3:47 P.M comment.......Ed Tudor cutting his budget?....Hello there is 20 people or so in a department with 11 Bosses? Um that is government gone a muck...and yet some have to go through loops to get finals yet at this time while some people Mr Tudor has worked with in the past have yet to obtain the proper finals to be opened? on a corridor to say the least? Maybe some people on Griffin Road and in Eden need to be educated what transpired in this department during County work hours with some very detailed information.....I would be very careful ..do some pushups

    1. What does this mean sounds like jibberish please explain

  10. Plan for what? Gonna put traffic cones on the water and make boats anchor in neat little lines? There are larger parties every weekend on Miami at the sandbar and Stiltsville without ant gubment interference.

  11. 5:24 I think the last time I looked at a map, that part of the bay is part of Worcester County. It is not international waters.

  12. 5:15pm Keep this in mind when your house is on fire or when you have a medical emergency and nobody shows.

  13. 3:47pm You sound like a disgruntled employee or an ex-employee

  14. This could really give the county a black eye. Seems they are throwing a temper tantrum in order to get a little money.

  15. 11:06 Really --- for a $25 fee!

  16. why not just pay the fee and get the proper permits?


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