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Monday, June 22, 2015

Councilman Questions Batts' Op-Ed

Baltimore City Councilman Carl Stokes questions why Police Commissioner Anthony Batts felt the need to respond to his critics in an Op-Ed in the Baltimore Sun.

Batts' essay appeared in the print edition of the newspaper on Sunday. It has been online since Friday night.

In his essay, Batts said the he would expect more officers would be arrested as the police department cracks down on corruption.

On Maryland's News This Week, Stokes said he, "found it curious that he (Batts) would call out the Vanguard Justice Society, but not the Fraternal Order of Police, which has been much harsher in its criticism."



  1. He's been doing this job since August 2012. Has he not had an ample opportunity to address Baltimore police corruption in those nearly three years?

  2. Typical response on the part of the councilman. "Well, what about Bobby? He's meaner than Joey..."


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